Sunday, December 19, 2010

there'll always be a first time for everything

tak terasa 3 minggu sudah saya lewati di shanghai. it has been superb and exciting. lots of new experiences and moment to be cherished. as the title said, there will always be a first time for something to be happened.

Pertama, SHANGHAI.
Di kali pertama saya menjejakan kaki di shanghai, beruntung saya dapat sekaligus tinggal selama 6 minggu disini. Walaupun judulnya belajar, semester pendek, tapi kesempatan ini tentu tidak saya lewatkan untuk jalan2.. senang rasanya bisa belajar sekaligus jalan-jalan selama 6 minggu..
Saya dan teman-teman tidak melewatkan setiap kesempatan untuk explore shanghai. Sayang memang, kelas kami siang sampai sore, jam 6. Sepulang dari kelas, hari sudah gelap (disini jam 5 sudah mulai gelap). Makan malam sebentar, pulang, buat pe-er, tidur. Makanya, begitu akhir minggu datang, pasti ada acara jalan2.. Nanjing Lu, Huahai Road, The Bund, Yu Yuan Garden, Shanghai Tower, Shanghai Expo, Tian Zi Fang pun kami jajaki.

Kedua, SALJU.
Ya, Selasa lalu, 14 desember 2010, shanghai diliputi salju sepanjang hari. Boleh dibilang beruntung, sekalinya saya datang kemari, salju pun ikut berkunjung. Padahal jarang-jarang ada salju di shanghai. I was excited yet worried, melihat perkiraan cuaca sampai minus 1 derajat. Berlapis-lapis baju dan celana, plus sepatu boots menjadi alat tempur disini. Untungnya hari itu angin masih berbaik hati, tidak berhembus kencang.

Foto diambil dari depan kelas, siang hari. pohon dan mobil jadi putih!

Kenyataannya, salju tidak se-cool di tv2.. Memang sih masih COOL, terutama buat orang2 negara tropis seperti kita, tapi aduuhh dinginnya itu lho, ga tahan.. Karena pake baju berlapis-lapis, ngapa-ngapain juga jadi repot. Apalagi kalo mau ke wc, repot ihh.. Paling enak diem di dalam kamar berheater, hangaat. Jangan dikira dengan baju berlapis2 kamu jadi hangat, not really. Istilahnya baju memang bisa jadi tameng, tapi dingin sih tetep aja dingin. Minus 1 itu kan lebih dingin daripada suhu kulkas!

Kulit kering, bibir pecah-pecah, tangan dan kaki dingin terus. Kalau lagi dingin banget, tangan sampe perih, seperti kalo kelamaan pegang es. Kaki kesemutan padahal uda pake kaos kaki dobel dan sepatu boots.

Yang paling parah waktu exam jumat kemarin. Seperti biasa, ritual sehari2 saya disini adalah melihat weather forecast. Hari itu, seharusnya ga dingin-dingin banget. Berangkat lah saya menuju exam hall. Tapi ternyata, di luar perkiraan, dari awal ujian dimulai, tangan gemetar.. bukan cuma tangan malah, semua badan gemetar, bukan karena takut tapi karena kedinginan. Sepertinya otak jadi bekerja slow motion. Baru kali ini saya mengerjakan ujian dengan memakai sarung tangan sambil gemetar kedinginan selama dua jam. Semoga, hasilnya tidak mengecewakan.

Ketiga, kendala bahasa.
Baru kali ini rasanya, mau makan aja susah. Mau kemana-mana ga bisa sendiri, harus nempel sama temen yang udah agak jago mandarinnya biar paling engga bisa makan. :p Tapi ini sih ga menyurutkan niat saya untuk jalan-jalan! Jom! :)

Keempat, NATAL.

Natal tahun ini jelas berbeda dari biasanya. Ini natal pertama saya jauh dari keluarga. Biasanya kami di bogor ato kalaupun di luar kota merayakan natal bersama. Biasanya sih mama paling sibuk di gereja, yason juga sekarang eksis di remaja, papa juga ikut-ikut acara natal ini itu. Sabtu lalu saya kebaktian natal di gereja indonesia di shanghai. Boleh dibilang saya bukan tipe yang suka homesick, tapi kemarin jadi sedih juga rasanya tidak bisa natalan bersama keluarga... Well, tapi saya harus bersyukur masih diberi kesempatan untuk natalan disini, bisa bergereja, bisa merasakan natal dengan suasana yang berbeda.

Hari ini saya memulai minggu keempat saya disini, setelah exam level 1 saya jumat kemarin, saatnya belajar lagi untuk level 2. 3 more weeks to go!!

cheers :)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Hi. It has been my second week in shanghai.

Everything goes well. Nice hotel-like-room. Nice place. New experiences. New stuff.
Shopping. study. do homework. chit chat. walking around.

Unfortunately, the temperature drop starting this week. 2-8 degree celcius today. freezing cold. become worse with the addition of wind blow. this is my first time experience winter. in fact its quite different with those u can see in the movie, where they happily welcoming the winter. winter = lazy. lazy to go out. lazy to do anything. doing nothing in the warm hotel room feels like heaven. :P

So far, i ve been to Qibu Lu, its like Shanghai's 'mangga dua'. Shopping place. CHEAP! Lots of people. and definitely bargain. u HAVE to bargain almost everything here. i bought a pair of boots on my second day in shanghai. they open the price at 285, and i got it for 110. Bought coat for 110 yuan. and some other things.

Most of the time, i go everywhere with the whole indonesian gang - around 15 people - both from sunway and ausie campus. Last sunday we went to China Pavilion, where Shanghai expo was held in past few month. Pretty! amusing n very creative. worth to go.

Food was okay. its always a hard time for us when it goes to ordering food. understand almost none of the menu (everything is written in chinese Hanzi) i just randomly pick any dish, or point the picture. its kinda sad :( have no idea which one is tempting... hehe.

So here is my daily routine now..
wake up - prepare for school - school from 12.30 - 5.30 - dinner - do homework - (online) - sleep.

So i guess now its my sleeping time already.
Goodnight world.

Friday, November 26, 2010


im flying to shanghai, china tonight.
be fit miks, dizzy, nausea please go away..
it's gonna be great!
it's gonna be great!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

thank u for awesome people in my life!

Just watched I NOT STUPID 2.
Yea i know im so outdated bout movies, (who cares! :P) actually this movie has already hibernated here inside my laptop for 1 year plus, though i didn't watch completely before. hehehe.

So, yeah its GREAT movie! seriously. it doesn't talk non-sense and is not exagerated. it happens for real. those people really exist and im actually thankful that im not one of them. support, warmth, praises; maybe some of my fellas are also longing for it. nah. im not saying that they are in trouble, and so on. but deep inside ur heart, there is envy inside, questioning, how is it feel to be in such situation, to have supportive environment. Well, culture does take parts, we being eastern, or being chinese, more to scold but hard to praise. It seems not fair.

"Why did u steal?? Didn't i buy u everything u want? Where is the card u bought? Where is the money?" Dad shouted.
No i didn't buy any cards. *weeping* I just want to buy your one hour time. I want u to attend my concert. And it will took me one year to spare $500 from my pocket money." cried Jerry.
And Dad has nothing alse to say.

Thank u Pap. and mom. for continuously asking me how my life is, what happened the whole day. it might be simple. and i didn't really bother. but once u stop it, i think it would become one i miss for sure. also Yason. somehow, talking to him can give me peace. calm. relax.

Apart from that, thank u friends for being there, especially when i'm in need of u guys. when i was down. troubled. and need someone to talk to. doesn't mean i only come to u when im in trouble though. Of course i would love to spend fun time together also. :))
Nukke adrianty
Yosia Kurniawan
Febrina C Putri
Yessica Gunawan

Thanks for the support. Heart U!
i know there are bunches more i have, who aren't mentioned here right now.
no doubt in u guys also!!

btw, exam is FINALLY over, and HOLIDAY has just started!!! so this is how it feels to be FREE! :P

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Banyak hal yang tidak dapat dipaksakan, tapi layak diberi kesempatan..
-Filosofi Kopi, Dee

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


me + you ≠ us
me + you = me + you

I hope we can still be friends, like what we used to be.
I still admire you a lot. in the past, today, and i hope in the future too.
So, I just don't wanna lose an awesome friend like you, i hope u won't mind.
thank u :)

Monday, November 1, 2010

nukke sasa bday blast

nukke adrianty 12 oct 90

she's one of the best i have here in malaysia. a classmate, a window-shopping partner, teman curhat, teman bertukar pikiran, teman wisata kuliner, teman dikala suka dan duka.. ceria, ekspresive, confident, cuek, ego, smart, independent.. on her birthday we made a scrapbook about her entire journey in malaysia (with us most of the time.. hehehe). at the point she open it, she turned into tears and said, "this is priceless"
WELL DONE. im so happy that she likes the present we gave :)

natasza kurniawan
15 oct 91

kalo ada yg bilang age cannot determine maturity, szasa is the real example. being younger than most of us doesnt make her look childish. instead, she's very independent, decisive, and powerful in her own way. serba bisa, tangkas, mantep. kreatif. it's hard to decide what to give her as a birthday present as she's a just-straight-away-buy-if-u-want-it type. so i had an idea to order cute special cake for her. it's a custom made.. and also a photo album with our wishes inside. glad that she loves it..

sasa's rainbow cake

tolonggg mata saia mau keluarrr =.=

another sasa's birthday celebration from cellgroup, W15 at cassian's kitchen.. huhu cant see the cake clearly..


pacaran itu susah yaa..

diem salah
ngomong juga salah
ga sms salah
kebanyakan sms juga salah
main sama temen salah
diem dirumah terus juga salah
kangen salah
ga kangen, mm. sepertinya ada yg salah..
terlalu dipikir salah
terlalu dirasa juga salah
dikejar lari
ditunggu ga dateng-dateng
care dibilang overprotective
cuek dibilang ga peduli

jadi harus gimana?
ga usah pacaran aja?? :'(

Saturday, October 30, 2010

lucu-lucuan. match ga?

evaluasi. mana yang mikhal dan bukan mikhal?? hehe. :P

Sifat dan Karakter Cewek Zodiak Capricorn (21Desember - 19 Januari)

Wanita yang jangkung, langsing, dan tenang. Begitu marah, ia akan sangat
galak. Ia akan dapat bekerja dengan lebih baik daripada beberapa pria,
dan dia adalah wanita yang sangat percaya diri. Menurut pendapatnya,
wanita bukanlah sekedar bunga untuk penghias rumah atau kantor dan jelas
bukan gender yang lemah yang membutuhkan pertolongan saja.

Ia suka mengendalikan dan menyembunyikan emosinya yang lemah. Ia tidak
akan pernah mencoba untuk mengubah siapa pun, dan ia akan berusaha
menerima mereka apa adanya. Jika ia tidak menyukai seseorang, maka ia
tidak akan akan mengkritik atau memberi komentar, tapi langsung tidak
mempedulikan orang itu sama sekali.

Ia benci bunga plastik dan bunga buatan karena hal itu terkesan tidak
tulus. Ia menyukai bunga hidup dan baunya. Ia juga menyukai cowok yang
memakai pewangi after shave. Jika anda adalah tipe orang yang akan
memakai Jeans anda sampai sebulan, baru kemudian mencucinya, atau orang
yang memakai sepatu lama, lebih baik anda melupakannya.

Ia mencintai musik dan alam, walaupun terkadang muncul juga kasus
langka, (tidak menyukainya). Ia suka berpiknik di alam bebas, maka, jika
anda tidak punya banyak waktu untuknya, anda lebih baik mengajaknya
dalam perjalanan memancing. Dia tidak sepencemburu wanita Leo atau
Aquarius, tetapi jangan pernah melintasi batas.

Lebih baik anda tidak memarahinya, terutama di depan publik di mana dia
dapat merasa dipermalukan secara umum. Ia suka berdandan dan memakai
baju dengan sempurna dan sangat rapi, maka jangan pernah memaksa dia
cepat-cepat melakukan hal ini.

Ia memiliki tujuan sendiri dalam hidupnya, dan tidak peduli apakah anda
memiliki gelar doktor atau tidak, jika ia menanggap anda tidak cerdas,
maka dia tidak akan peduli tentang anda sama sekali.

Ia suka bertemu dengan karakter orang cerdas, bukan karena sertifikat
yang menyatakan bahwa ia cerdas.Jika memang anda tidak mampu menunjukkan
bahwa anda cerdas, lebih baik anda segera menyingkir pergi. Ia tidak
pernah menyukai pemimpi yang membicarakan mengenai mimpinya, tetapi
tidak pernah berusaha mewujudkan mimpinya.

Jangan pernah mengatakan kepadanya “semua orang melakukannya, maka kamu
sebaiknya juga”, atau “rasanya lebih baik kamu lakukan, karena itu baik
buat kamu”,karena ia hanya akan mau melakukan apa yang ia mau lakukan.
Ia adalah orang yang rapi, jadi jika kamar anda mirip kandang babi,
jangan pernah ajak dia masuk kedalam kamar anda.

Jika anda pergi kencan, cobalah tampil serapi dan sebersih mungkin, kuku
juga bersih, atau kalau tidak,kencan itu akan menjadi kencan terakhir
anda. Ia adalah tipe cewek yang ‘cool’ dan tidak akan merengek-rengek,
begitu menyenangkan di telinga anda.Ia adalah tipe yang pelan tapi
pasti. Ia akan selalu menghormati dan menghargai anda dan tidak akan
pernah membuat anda malu.

Jika ia mencintai anda, ia akan selalu membantu anda melakukan apa pun
yang anda lakukan. Ia suka membantu orang tanpa pamrih. Jika ia meminta
anda melakukan sesuatu, dan anda tidak membantu, maka ia akan merasa
sangat kecewa. Ia memiliki harapan yang tinggi dan percaya diri yang
tinggi, ia lebih mempercayai kemampuan diri dan kepercayaan dirinya

Jika istri atau pacar anda adalah capricornus, maka anda akan memiliki
rumah yang indah dan nyaman, dan makanan yang enak. Jika orang tua anda
mengunjungi rumah anda,mereka akan merasa puas. Ia adalah seorang 3 in
1, ibu rumah tangga, istri, dan wanita yang sempurna, dan anda pun dapat
mengatakan “bahagia selamanya”..

Thursday, October 28, 2010


besok ujian teman.
lots of things bothering my mind right now.
glad that i have some friend who help me a lot as yesterday we share about the f*cking complicated cellular metabolism. it indeed brings a little relieves to me.

friday, 29 oct 2010. 1.30pm. cellular metabolism BTH2752.
i hope im doing well.
it's hard. like really hard.

doakan aku teman.

Monday, October 18, 2010

study life and future plan

dear all.

before i start my post, let me introduce my friend, vassilisa, she's one of my high school friend. i just read her post, and her sensitivity, her empathy is reflected in her writings. one of her strength, showing her character in each post she wrote. thumbs up! drop by to her page.. hehe

anyway, this month has been a progress, u can say, about my future study plan.

First, i'm applying for Chinese Incountry Program, CIP under monash. it is a short semester program, learning mandarin in Shanghai for 6 weeks, plus get 2 subjects credit point! :D make the story short, i've been through all the application, as well as the interview, and finally got the confirmation. So, guys, i'm flying to Shanghai end of this november until mid january... I'M SO EXCITED!!! indeed! but VERY NERVOUS in the same time, as i understand nothing. (consider nothing if i only know how to say ni hao ma and wo ai ni ~ oO. this is not good!)

I felt extremely stupid during the interview. At the beginning they (interviewer from Monash australia) said "Ni Hao" even i understand ni hao, it's just awkward for me to replied. and i had no idea what to say back then, so i just smile, and laugh.. ahahaha. stupid. then they ask what language do i speak at home, do my parents know chinese, is there any chinese family background. so i just keep saying NO. and the interview went short, while some friends exceed the 10 minutes interview time as they have lots of things to share, "cing cung cong bla bla bla.." so, definitely, i go for chinese level 1 and 2 in shanghai.. no doubt. hehehe.

To relax my tension a bit, the next day, i straight away bought chinese dictionary. tourist pocket dictionary. at least i can eat there. wakakakakk.. fortunately, there are some of my friends going for CIP as well, im flying from KL 26 nov together with fenny, vony, and jessika. yes. i booked the air ticket already. a requirement to apply visa. it cost me (my father) a lot. some more, ringgit currency is increasing lately. what a perfect timing :(

it's OK. i still optimist that i can manage to catch up the lesson. and i really hope that it can increase my GPA. *crossing finger* 2 HD pleaseeee... and indeed i'm excited for this is a summer course + holiday program. for sure. yeayy.. going to a new place. will experience winter for the first time.. woohoooo.. perfect! Look at shanghai. it will be awesome!! :D

secondly, beside CIP, i also applied for Monash intercampus exchange. and two weeks ago i just had the confirmation that i can go Clayton campus, Melbourne next semester!!!! aaaaawww.. this is it. even before i enter monash, this is one of the goal being here :)) although it is only 1 semester and no more travel grant is given, it is still worth it. i will pay still paying the same malaysian tuition fee, but is able to study there. what an advantage! and im going together with nukke too. SO HAPPY! lots of preparation to be done, accomodation, visa, air ticket, living cost, etc etc. especially it's quite hectic for me to prepare CIP and aussie exchange at the same time. but i'll get this all done! ;)

third, to sum up, wanna say that i'm so thankful for the support from mama, papa, and my fam. i know we're not that rich, but they really work out for me taking these opportunities. i know i spent so much money and i'll drain more money for going overseas. it's more than financial support, thanks for the prayers, the motivation, and the love. once my pap said, "yet it's expensive, i'll try my best to work it out, cos i want u to have the experience" :')

Thursday, September 30, 2010



Finally, i went to Bangkok, Thailand. yippieeee.. it was definitely a SUPER DUPER FUN TRIP.
Sunday morning, Sasa, Nukke, Jacqueline, and me flew there. Arrived around 2pm, straight away went shopping after hotel check in. Chatucak Market is definitely a shopping heaven. No matter how hot it was, with full of spirit we walk through step by step, shop by shop, SHOPPED LIKE MAD!! Fully satisfied!! it was really fortunate that we went there on sunday, cos Chatucak only opens during weekends. All stuff were sold around 100-250 baht, which is aroun 30rb-70rb rupiah... Definitely much cheaper than Malaysia, and even can beat Jakarta's Mangga Dua.. Super!!

Other destination, the beautiful magnificent Grand Palace. Amazing.
Kaosan Road, backpackers area. Lots of Bule.. :p lots of cafe, pub, hostels, and market.
Chao Phraya River, not really different with indonesian river. *i bet u can imagine how it looks like :P
Suan Lum Night Bazaar. okay. nothing beats Chatuchak a.k.a CC
Calypso Show - Asia Hotel.. wanna see "pretty girls"? u better check this out.
Platinum Mall - Their ITC mall, wholesale n grocery shopping.

Their DURIAN and MANGO were sooooo nice!! until we have no hesitation to buy it in the airport, in the last minutes we have there. maybe its ten times more expensive than the normal price, but who cares. I want it so bad!!

*It's a great deal to travel in a group of 4, u can share taxi everywhere u go. and it's cheap. even cheaper than if u take MRT and pay per person. :)

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Inspite of the continuous overflowing monash assignment, i really HAPPY the entire week..

began with cultural diversity day held on tuesday, like what i mention in the previous post, continued with sandra's birthday last thursday, we had a surprise party in front of lagoonview.. lots of friends came and celebrated. song, cake, photos, and saboo :P (make fun of sandra -red).

the next day, it was a holiday.. relax time.. we really need some breath after those monash weeks. :'( watch step up 3 with nukke. COOL! and spend the whole nite having karaoke & dinner buffet. it's another blessing!! sandra treated us in Amp Square with dinner and karaoke (as she loves karaoke so much.. hehehe). most probably it was the biggest room they have. it's really HUGE. can afford 50+ people i guess. two storey some more! complete with mini pool table and 3 game machines.. fully satisfied! i love karaoke!! evenmore with the buffet!! even even much more when it's FREE :P wakakakak..

doesn't look as if we're having karaoke? :P

Friday combine Cellgroup w9 and w15.. nice teaching from andrew, nice testimonies, and nice to catch up and fellowship with them all.

Another moment was celebrating Hari Raya (Aidil Fitri) with all my malay friends. It's really a pleasure to be invited by them, knowing the i was the only one (or at least the only two) non-malay there.. :) How is that so?? actually i knew them because we are in the same group in crop science lab. and are in the same class for most of our subjects. But it doesnt really make us close yet. Last week, i asked asiah to take part in CDD and she accepted it. so from just a say-Hi-conversation, we talk to each other more.

It's the first time i celebrate Raya here, so i was excited to go although i didnt really know most of them. another chance to make friends also, right ;) THEY WERE AWESOME. So there were 5 of them staying in the apartment units, all girls, they prepared everything by themselves. cooked soto, lontong, spaghetti, etc etc. Remind me back home, what mama do if we're having some celebration at home. noted. What MAMA do, not what ME, MYSELF do . hahaha. i cant imagine cooking lots of food by myself. (nguuukk. really need to progress =.=) ate some kue Raya.. some friends also brought some food as it is a pot luck (i used to call it perjamuan kasih) as well.

Slowly i know some people there, some of my classmates actually. yea. although we're in the same class, we hardly talk to each other. It's quite funny actually, i can listen and understand what do they say, but never talk malay with them. I just feel weird. So, in the end, i think it's only me talking in english while other spoke malay.

Is it becoming a long blog post already?? one more one more, then ill stop :P

Today is the day. WHO'S ON THE SPOT Vol. 2.
It's a MUISS event, and me and renga in charge of this. im really glad that everything went really well. the performances, the crowds, even the sound system which most of the time sucks. im just sooo happy that everyone likes it. and all the performers, they really offered something worth-to-watch. what a big relief.

random fact : i realized i have lots of new picts these few days documented all the event. *actually before, i was thinking 'what a boring fb i have.. no update, less wall post, no chat, nothing' but now, even openning my fb also makes me happy*

last but not least, Happy Mid Autumn Festival!!

bought mooncake together with Jacqueline

this is what LIFE supposed to BE..

karena "Hidup terlalu singkat untuk dilalui dengan biasa-biasa sajaa..."

Sunday, September 19, 2010

CG outing to emily's place

last week i had Aidil Fitri holiday - nah. it's a very short one actually. i only had one day holiday for Hari Raya, not like indonesian Raya holiday.. So it was kind of a long weekend for me. and i spent it with my cellgroup, W15. stayed over to Emily's house in Rawang for a night.

actually im the one who suggested this idea a week before. after being rejected and unsuccessfully went for sleepover in Supi's new house (hehehe.. no offense!), i feel like going to another friend's house. thinking what to do during Raya, i simply mentioned it during CG fellowship, "why dont we go to emily's house..." hehhehe. is it too direct? that i didn't wait for the owner to invite us personally? :P maybe it is. but i dont feel like spending my precious weekend in lagoonview, sunway, or pyramid doing nothing... i need an escape man!

glad that emily (and her family) responded
it joyfully. woohooo! :)
So there were 12 of us went to her house, and yeah, we really had LOTS OF FUN there.. the family was very welcome.. and the house is very comfy and hommy.. hmmm. first time visitting and staying over in a proper house in malaysia i guess.. they had a room called conservatory, this is where we gather, where the boys sleep at night, and where we spend most of our time. Graduated with interior designer degree, her house really shows artistic side of hers. everything was well decorated and well designed.

We played lots of games, eat lots of food, had a good sleep, had a great fellowship time. it's precious moment to spend together. :) and her father blessed us a lot, he did the BBQ and cooking for us. WOW! super! thanks uncle.

the comfortable conservatory.. it's play time ;)

us. preparing the bbQ. *sorry for the blur pict*

Thanks emily for a good holiday we spent together.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


yesterday, there was this event, Cultural Diversity Day, in Monash campus. So basically the event is about to show how your culture is. There were food stalls, henna hand painting, fashion show, and performances. And me,, together with angga and sandra, represented indonesia to do performance. We sang indonesian songs, Arti Hadirmu, Untukku, and Negeriku.

It was FUN as it's been quite long time for me to play some music and perform it. i enjoyed it! Athough, to be honest, we just did the rehearsal a day before, just chose the song, just had a keyboard to be borrowed, and just asked angga to join us. hehehe. yea. it was a last minute thing.
Though it's not spectacular, but the respond was good. :)

angga berusaha mendekati mic.. kok ga kedengeran sihh gitarnyaa?!*

indonesian food stalls.. keripik tempe RM 2.50 ckckck.
biar mahal tetep aja abis. mantap.

Friday, September 10, 2010

(hampir) pingsan di Guci

Pernah dengar tempat wisata bernama Guci? Terus terang, pertama kali saya mendengar Guci, saya membayangkan pemandian air panas elite, dengan design European minimalis, mungkin juga karena namanya mirip dengan brand internasional terkemuka. Beberapa bulan yang lalu saya sekeluarga bekesempatan berlibur ke Guci, Tegal. Sebenarnya sih mama yang paling semangat dan penasaran tentang mata air Guci yang konon katanya ampuh menyembuhkan penyakit. Browsing lokasi, akomodasi, dan informasi pun dimulai lewat internet. Sayangnya, info yang kami dapat sangat minim, dan biasanya lebih banyak informasi perjalanan dari blog pribadi mereka yang sudah berkunjung sebelumya. Belum lagi masalah akomodasi, ujungnya saya cuma mendapat nomer telepon beberapa hotel, tanpa petunjuk bagaimana kondisi dan lokasinya.

Lima jam perjalanan dari Jakarta ke Kota Tegal, ternyata masih harus ditambah 1 jam lagi menuju Guci, yang jalannya menanjak plus berliku-liku. Sangat disayangkan, objek wisata Guci kurang didukung dengan petunjuk jalan yang memadai. Yah, mungkin namanya orang Indonesia, berpegang pada pepatah, malu bertanya sesat di jalan, jadi kami memang ‘dipaksa’ untuk tanya sana-sini supaya enggak nyasar.

Sampai di lokasi, untungnya, hotel yang sudah kami booking sebelumnya tanpa tau seberapa jauh dari sumber mata air terletak persis disebelah kolam air panas. Kenapa kami memutuskan menginap disana? Ini sih lebih ke tebak-tebak buah manggis, mau mengontak hotel saja susah banget, kadang salah sambung, kadang enggak diangkat, kadang hotel satu dengan hotel lain nomer teleponnya sama. Setelah beberapa kali mencoba menelepon dan kecewa, akhirnya kami dipertemukan dengan hotel melati ini. Hotelnya agak mirip kos-kosan, yang menurut saya agak pricey buat hotel sekelas itu. Mungkin juga karena waktu itu lagi musim liburan sekolah, jadi mereka ikut harga high season.

Singkat cerita, tibalah saatnya kami mencicipi mata air guci. J Disana kami bisa memilih, mau berendam gratis di sungai umum, atau di kolam renang hotel dengan membayar kontribusi. Salah besar kalau kamu pikir bisa bisa berleha-leha dengan privacy di kolam renang hotel. Ternyata banyak pengunjung yang rela menguras kocek buat berendam di kolam renang meskipun ada yang gratisan. Memang harganya tidak terlalu mahal dan terjangkau dompet. Alam memang hebat. Disana air bisa tumpah berlimpah-limpah dari sumbernya, dan ingat ini bukan sekedar air biasa, ini sumber air panas. Kalau biasanya kita harus pakai pemanas air buat mandi air panas, disini orang-orang tinggal nyemplung ke sungai. Dua puluh empat jam sehari, tujuh hari seminggu air panas jernih mengalir dengan derasnya dari mata air. Di pagi-pagi buta, bahkan sebelum matahari terbit, penduduk sekitar beramai-ramai datang ke sungai, melakukan ritual sehari-hari, mandi, cuci baju, dan sebagainya. Dari anak balita sampai kakek-nenek, laki-laki dan perempuan ikut berendam dan menikmati air panas Guci.

Ada pengalaman agak buruk yang saya alami di Guci. Entah karena sayanya yang ndeso, atau memang kejadian ini terjadi bukan pada saya seorang. Seperti sensasi berendam air panas pada umumnya, walaupun awalnya kepanasan, setelah beberapa lama saya malah keasyikan berendam air panas. Saya pun bukan sekedar berendam air panas, tapi juga berenang air panas. Berenang seperti di kolam renang biasa, bolak-balik dari ujung ke ujung sambil sesekali menyelam. Rasanya semua baik-baik saja, sampai sekitar 30 menit saya berenang dan memutuskan untuk menyudahi acara berendam a. k. a. berenang saya. Begitu naik dari kolam, pandangan saya mulai buram, kepala pusing, dan perut mual. Saya pun terduduk di pinggir kolam, lemas hampir pingsan! Hal yang sama terjadi pada mama, yang hampir terjatuh begitu naik dari kolam. Untungnya papa dan adik saya tidak ikut-ikutan ambruk karena sempat keluar kolam beberapa kali selagi berendam. Rasanya waktu itu saya cuma kepingin cepat-cepat kembali ke hotel. Tapi apa mau dikata, kaki saya pun tidak kuat menopang berat badan. Butuh waktu sekitar 15 menit untuk memulihkan kondisi dan kuat jalan menuju hotel. Jadilah acara berenang air panas disudahi dengan dua wanita terkapar di pinggir kolam.

Tidak ada petunjuk atau peringatan berapa lama pengunjung dianjurkan berendam. Saya pun bertanya-tanya apakah hal ini juga terjadi pada pengunjung lain. Penilitian menunjukkan, 15-20 menit berendam di air panas adalah batas toleransi tubuh kita terhadap suhu tinggi dalam kolam air panas. Berendam lebih dari waktu yang ditentukan bisa menyebabkan dehidrasi dalam tubuh dan overheating. Tak heran saya dan mama mengalami hal-hal di atas. Sepertinya tubuh kami kaget begitu keluar dari air panas ke suhu ruangan.

Padahal ini bukan kali pertama saya mengunjungi pemandian air panas, sebelumnya di Kuala Selangor, Malaysia saya berkunjung ke Taman Rekreasi Air Panas. Bedanya disana kolam-kolam lebih tertata rapi, lengkap dengan keterangan berapa suhu setiap kolam, dan tidak lupa peringatan waktu maksimum untuk berendam di kolam. Pengunjung pun lebih fleksibel dalam memilih, kolam 30°C, 40°C , sampai 80°C. Ada beberapa spot yang dikhususkan untuk merendam kaki saja, ada pula kolam bersuhu tinggi untuk merebus telur. Dengan informasi seperti ini, jelas pengunjung menjadi lebih waspada dan bertanggung jawab atas keselamatan diri sendiri.

Sepertinya sudah saatnya menambah informasi mendukung demi keselamatan pengunjung. Jangan sampai pengunjung jadi kapok datang lagi karena alih-alih kenangan manis, malah kenangan buruk yang didapat disana.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

me being expanded!

being publicity officer in MUISS, Monash University Student Services, indeed stretch me.

It's always good to learn something new. And here, im forced to do all my duty and responsibility. Forced in a positive way. And i really enjoy it so far. Being publicity officer require me to be creative, as im in charge for things like posters, flyer, banner, messages..

Before, i always thought photoshop stuff is just too complicated to be understood. i didnt know how to start, while some of my friends were those photoshop experts. but, now, since it's a MUST to do those publication, i HAVE TO do it!! No turn back. (and i dont wanna turn back anyway). There're quite some number of my works so far, it's not perfect, i know, and some are very simple, modest. But im happy with it, still. It's still my creation..

This is one thing u get by being involved in organization.
What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger!!
So please, i encourage u, spend some of your time in a society. i believe it will be good for u ;)

Some of my works

Made by Adel and me.
Special thanks to her. kapan2 berguru lagi ahh.. ;)

Who's on the Spot ?!

Cultural diversity day

Mari belajar. Mari berkreasi.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

monash science student life

i started with my 2nd year, 1st sem last week.
and have a feeling that this semester will kill me!

4 core subjects. tough one.
well yea, i actually also had 4 science subjects last sem, with 3 labs in a week, but at least i chose one by myself.

This is week 2.
and i had 2 reports + another assignment in progress.
and i need to told u, once the reporting duty starts, it wont end until the end of semester.
yea, it sucks, indeed. and now i have no idea how to do any of those reports.. i want past papers so baaadddd!!!! :(

In one of the tutorial class, the lecture ask, "Why do u study science?"
Hmm wondering. To be honest, i would like to answer, "It is COOL to have the degree..... Bachelor of Biotechnology...." Hhhh.. but it is so much work to be COOL then...

envy business students who only have 12 hours class per week, while we, science students have at least 22 hours.. Haissshh.. more classes = more expensive = more works to do. Life is so unfair =P

i dont mind having laboratory classes, however, the lab reporting part is always sucks.
Now, at least i know, i don't wanna work in the lab for the rest of my life..

but don't worry,
yes. i will conquer all of it.
wish me all the best fellas!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Monday, July 19, 2010


this holiday, was just nice. :)

ga berlebihan, sedikit kurang panjang mungkin.. ahh lagi asik2 liburan udah harus balik sunway lagi.. saia senaang. what a fruitful holiday..

potong rambut : check!
liburan keluarga : check!
berteman : check!
makan : check!
ke sekolah : check!
paksina : check!
gosiip : check!
nonton : check!
pacaran : check!
shopping : check!
bandung : check!
puncak : check!
dokter gigi : check!
pas foto : check!
bikin poster muiss : check!
main piano : check!
ke SCI : check!
ga belajar : check! hehehe

lumayan. lumayan. ada sih yang kurang.. ga ketemu anak2 korem.. ga nonton live music. ga nonton yason ngeband. ga cek mata. belom ketemu banyak teman2.. yaah liburan selanjutnya dehh. ( maaf posting kali ini agak ga penting).


result saya tidak sebagus dulu.
tapi tidak ada salahnya disyukuri..

BIO 1022 - D - 76
BTH 1802 - C - 67
CHM 1022 - HD - 82
FST 1800 - D - 70

semester baru datang.
saatnya belajar lagiii....
jia you!!!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

proud of u guys

i just watched a video, about Komisi Remaja.. actually it is a dedication for Ruben's team, Komisi Remaja 2008-2010..

and its absolutely awesome. indeed.
i mean, not because its such a perfect, high quality video, but the content, the story, its just really touching.. :) and i believe you guys made it sincerely.

the time really flew by.
its four years ago when me with 06/08 crew started taking charge of Korem. its an honor to be trusted as head of this youth division. lots of story. lots of laugh. lots of anger and dissapointment. but lots of great friends indeed.

and its two years ago when we gave them, ruben n team, LDK (Latihan dasar kepemimpinan -red). To be honest, there was a bit doubt in me, let these juniors taking over our place... hehe. but now i know i shouldn't. watching this video, even this is not dedicated for me :P, makes me proud about u guys, about komisi remaja GKI bogor..

they also had a story.. a great great story..
Korem still has the spirit, laugh, and simplicity.
thank u for taking care of Korem this far.
u guys did awesome job!
and hope Korem will have greater journey to come :)

proud of u guys!

1 Tim 4:12
Jangan seorang pun menganggap engkau rendah karena engkau muda. Jadilah teladan bagi orang-orang percaya, dalam perkataanmu, dalam tingkah lakumu, dalam kasihmu, dalam kesetiaanmu, dan dalam kesucianmu.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

watch your mouth

Ungkapan lidah lebih tajam memang benar adanya! Hati-hati dengan perkataanmu, biar si dia nggak sakit hati.

Iseng-iseng browsing sana-sini, saya menemukan sepenggal kata-kata diatas. Jujur, saya ketawa waktu membacanya. Bisa dibilang, kata-kata nya 'gue banget'. Kalo kamu sudah lama kenal saya, pasti ga heran ada yang bilang "Mikhal ngomongnya sih pelan, tapi daleem." Temen saya disini juga suka komentar "Kok nusuk ngomongnyaa.."

Saya juga ga tau belajar dari mana, dan sejak kapan, celetukan-celetukan itu keluar dengan sendirinya, spontan, tanpa bermaksud jahat, tanpa bermaksud menyakiti siapa-siapa... Sayangnya, tanpa disadari bisa membekas jauh lebih lama dari waktu kata-kata itu terucap. Ya mungkin ada kalanya saya lagi pusing sana-sini, banyak pikiran, alhasil, orang-orang di sekitar saya pun kena dampaknya.

Ga disangka, ga lama setelah saya ngetawain ramalan bintang yang 'gue banget', saya mengalami sendiri sakitnya bermain dengan kata-kata. Mungkin memang saya duluan yang jawabnya nyolot, temen saya jadi ikut 'tajem' balesnya.. dan mungkin saya (dan dia) sama-sama lagi suntuk dan sensi, kata-katanya menusuk. dalem. saya jadi merasa bersalah, saya jadi ga tenang, menyesal atas perbuatan dan perkataan saya. I felt terrible for disappointing him that way..

ternyata sebegitu hebat yaa kekuatan kata-kata, cuma gara-gara 1 sms, 1 kalimat, bisa-bisanya jadi nangis-nangis ga tidur semaleman (hiperbola -red). dan untungnya hari ini, lagi-lagi dengan hanya sepotong kalimat, everything's solved, it made my day! :)

ini jelas bukan masalah ramalan bintang yang beneran terjadi, bahkan bible pun mengingatkan kita buat behati-hati dalam berkata-kata, tapi ini lebih ke self reflection, bagaimana biasanya kita berkata-kata? u can choose to ruin one's life with your word, or lighten someone's heart, bring peace and joy instead.

hope u brighten someone's life today.

Friday, June 11, 2010

being sensitive

sepertinya akhir2 ini saya gelisah, gundah, cepet marah, sedih, kesel sama orang, mellow, bete, kecewa, sensi...

once, i feel like crying while listening to a mellow sad song. and another time, i felt like scolding my friend for being late, today i kept quite and suddenly had a bad mood after my friend complain me about something (which actually happened all the time, never bother about it before, and just make fun of it). engga biasanya mikhal seperti ini.

im sorry for being too sensitive these days. for those who experience the side effect, im so sorry.. i dont wanna hurt anyone, and i dunno why i feel like being hurt. sorry for not being a fun nice friend lately.


GOD, please help me to get rid of these negative feeling..
mikhal semangat!

Proverb 3 : 5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
He shall direct your path..

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Monday, June 7, 2010


enough said.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

u can do it!!!!

mari belajaaaarrr!!!

u have 15 days to go.
15 days to cover all those subjects.
biology, chemistry, food science, biotech..
long time never memorize things, hope my brain can work properly, still. :P
be sharp.focus.

dont waste any more time!!!

Monday, May 31, 2010

bye bye

i want to say goodbye to my phone.

i was sleeping in the bus this morning with my phone held in my hand. it was a deep sleep i guess, untill i couldnt remember where my phone was when i woke up. went down rushing from the bus, without checking my belongings anymore.

and i just realized it when i saw the bus passed by, leaving us behind. we tried to call my phone. no answer. until finally we could get the driver's phone, we called him, but unfortunately he said, he found nothing. the one who called said "he sounds defensive when i called" i got it. it's not easy to find a good guy who would return a lost phone these days.

so, i guess i could do nothing.
bye bye my beloved SE 660i.. :'(

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

tick tock tick tock

the time is ticking.

it is already week12.
and i still understand almost nothing..
wake up wake up.
exam's coming!!!
and the hardest part is always about how to start ur revision when there are too much things to be studied.
i waaaanttt HDs so bad!!!!

force me to study please..

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


almost spent 2 years, here in malaysia, and finally, i'm involved in campus organization...

i'm so so so excited!!!

yaa, sudah beberapa kali terpikir, kok hidup hampa yaa, cuma gitu-gitu ajaa. kuliah-pulang-kerjain tugas.. so flat? indeed. it's sucks being nobody. saya merindukan masa-masa di bogor, dimana sekolah sibuk, gereja sibuk, paksina sibuk... yaahh. sometimes i feel it's so tiring, mind & energy consuming.. tapi saya sukaaa... berorganisasi membuat hidup lebih hidup. :)

now. im involved in MUISS, Monash Uni International Student Service.

not being the official officer does not make me sad at all.. 2 weeks being involve in the team, we campaigned , decorated booth, did performances, and finally, won the election. i met lots of great people here, and so happy could be one of them.. i'm looking forward for it, the events, the hard work, the teamwork.. LET'S DO IT!!

one of my poster design

me, sandra, and divya performed during the campaign
*spontaneous performance =.= *

Sunday, May 9, 2010

YES. i do love PRAISES!

mikhal u r absolutely incredibly talented and im SO SO HAPPY that ur in the team. thank u SO much for ur work!!! u did an awesome job!!

im SO SO SO FLATTERED to hear that..

yeah. i do love praises. i mean, who dont?? though sometimes people act as if they don't want to be praised, or as if those praises don't suit them. i feel happy. feel the acceptance. the appreciation. but then, is it just about receiving praises?? how about to make people happy, to accept and appreciate other people??

let's turn our prespective.

i found myself RARELY give praises.
doesn't mean that i scold people or gossiping and tell bad things about them. not really. i just don't really bother about it. even when i feel someone had done a well, i realize, i prefer praise them behind their back, talking about it with other friends.

is it regarding to east culture issue? typical east people, asian, indonesian, chinese are more focusing to negative things.. when they made mistakes, they can be scolded like crazy, while when they achieve somethin, people just say "ohh.." why cant we praise when we know it makes other happy? why cant i? i think we just need to get used to it.

now let's train ourselves to PRAISE.
simple thing can make a big difference :)

Monday, May 3, 2010

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

this is not me

shoooot! one of my friend just told me that yesterday was due date for chemistry online test and i haven't done in at all. not even one of three attempt i had. didn't even remember. too bad mik!!!!! anjriiiiittt. siaaalll. aarrggghh..

why didnt i try, at least one, from long time ago.. i had much time, well it is not a one day online test with 15 minutes time limit. it is THREE (NOT ONE!!) attempt test with NO time limit, which is opened for around 2 weeks. yaa. i know. i was wrong. 100% my own fault. i thought i would do it near the due date so all the topic had been taught already and i could finish it easier. but the problem is, u didnt note the DATE! no point by missing the due date...

actually it nearly happened few weeks ago, with my bio Quiz. i was too busy with my holiday plan until i didnt even bother about our weekly online test. Fortunately, that time, i survived. a friend of mine helped me with the test.

And here i am. fall in the same hole.

NO.NO. mikhal should have all her works done well.
too busy??
nonsense. that's only a reason to escape urself. to defend u from this stupid irresponsible mistake.
me dissapoint myself

Sunday, April 25, 2010

hormon cinta

Mr. S bilang,

"Hormon cinta itu
cuma bertahan 3 taun aja..

Jadi kalo lu jadian cuman based on love,
dalam 3 taun yaa abis dehh baterenyaa"


Saturday, April 24, 2010

how do u see me?

some see me as a serious, calm,
quite, wise, organized,
introvert girl

on the other hand,
some see me as a cheerful, independent,
happy, powerful, confident,
active girl

so how about u?
how do u see me?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


i have to admit, benar, saya kemakan omongan sendiri.

i used to against Long Distance Relationship a.k.a LDR. I felt there was no hope, no future prospect, no 'real' relationship in LDR. I mean, well, i want someone to hug, someone to be with, physically. i thought, how can u be in a relationship with someone without seeing him/her.. but reality speaks differently and now here i am, dealing with my own LDR issue..

i had this conversation with my friend one day,
K. A
"Emang lw tahan LDR mik??"

i replied
"Mmm.. yaa gue ga tau gimana ke depannya, i can't guarantee, dijalanin dulu aja, i'll do my best, and we'll see how is it going.."
gue juga ga bisa sok-sokan jadi jagoan LDR, i know it will not be that easy.

yah, i can say, this is a new chapter for me. but so far, it's working so well *yeay*.
and glad that im not alone. hahaha. banyak temen2 disini yang LDR dan fine2 saja.. so, i guess, i hope, this should be ok. bantuin yaahh.. ;)

so which side are u?? are u so PRO LDR or those who contra?? why??
feel free to give opinion..