Monday, May 31, 2010

bye bye

i want to say goodbye to my phone.

i was sleeping in the bus this morning with my phone held in my hand. it was a deep sleep i guess, untill i couldnt remember where my phone was when i woke up. went down rushing from the bus, without checking my belongings anymore.

and i just realized it when i saw the bus passed by, leaving us behind. we tried to call my phone. no answer. until finally we could get the driver's phone, we called him, but unfortunately he said, he found nothing. the one who called said "he sounds defensive when i called" i got it. it's not easy to find a good guy who would return a lost phone these days.

so, i guess i could do nothing.
bye bye my beloved SE 660i.. :'(


FBS Headmaster said...

awwww... i guess next time you just need to be a little more careful with your belongings and make sure everything is in the bag, well its always easier that way....

perhaps its a blessing in disguise, haha now you can choose a much better phone I guess :D

Anonymous said...

take the lesson....,
