Tuesday, May 18, 2010


almost spent 2 years, here in malaysia, and finally, i'm involved in campus organization...

i'm so so so excited!!!

yaa, sudah beberapa kali terpikir, kok hidup hampa yaa, cuma gitu-gitu ajaa. kuliah-pulang-kerjain tugas.. so flat? indeed. it's sucks being nobody. saya merindukan masa-masa di bogor, dimana sekolah sibuk, gereja sibuk, paksina sibuk... yaahh. sometimes i feel it's so tiring, mind & energy consuming.. tapi saya sukaaa... berorganisasi membuat hidup lebih hidup. :)

now. im involved in MUISS, Monash Uni International Student Service.

not being the official officer does not make me sad at all.. 2 weeks being involve in the team, we campaigned , decorated booth, did performances, and finally, won the election. i met lots of great people here, and so happy could be one of them.. i'm looking forward for it, the events, the hard work, the teamwork.. LET'S DO IT!!

one of my poster design

me, sandra, and divya performed during the campaign
*spontaneous performance =.= *

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