Saturday, April 18, 2009


2 minggu ini aku ikut audisi worship team (band) di gereja..

audisi pertama, senin, 6 april 09,
i had no idea how was the audition would be.. jumat sebelumnya, aku cuma dikasih tau suruh siapin lagu "Free- planet shaker" sama "Mighty to Save- Hillsongs" Lebih dari itu, aku belom tau lagunya itu yang mana.. Dengan keterbatasan sarana dan prasarana, ga ada keyboard, udah lama ga main keyboard, mulailah mikhal mengulik lagu.. cari-cari chord n dengerin gimana mainnya.. Dapet kabar dari sherley, katanya Ribka ada keyboard di kamarnya.. "waw.. ada pencerahan!!" langsung deh kontak ribka, mau numpang latian disana..

hari H, mikhal ditemani jean, sherley, andreas, yosia dateng ke tempat audisi.. seneng banget deh banyak yang support.. thx all :) mungkin ada 20an peserta audisi, mayoritas gitar (as usual), bass, 1 drummer, 5 keyboardis.. jadi ternyata, ada band asli dari worship team, terus peserta audisinya disuru replace mereka sesuai posisi..
Keyboardis termasuk yang terakhir2 audisinya.. jadi lumayan bisa denger2 dulu gimana model mainnya.. dan ternyata,, mikhal peserta audisi keyboard pertama..
untungnya cuma disuru main lagu worship aja (Mighty to Save- Hillsongs), ga full, paling cuma sampe chorus pertama.. terus, setelah itu, tiba2 para judges minta main yg lain, "Do u know any city harvest songs? *terus dia sebutin beberapa judul yang gw lupa-lupa-inget lagu apa itu*" terus disuru main intro.. Kan gw ga inget judulnya yaah,, gw bilang aja,, "Bisa kasi tau aku itu lagu yang ky gimana?" terus gitarisnya mainnin dikit...
mikhal : "ohhh.. yg ini.. oke2" yauda gw main intronya..

selesai audisi, yosia jadi ngeledekin mulu deh.. "Weitss.. jago nih.. disuru main apa aja juga bisa.."

hari jumat, di pelajaran math a yang membosankan *hehe*, tiba2 HP bergetar.. mikhal langsung keluar menerima telp dari nomor tidak dikenal
"Hi mikhal. this is Abel from church, remember? About the audition for the worship team, we want u to go to the 2nd audition, Wednesday, 8 pm. We want to listen more, how the way u play.. (Waaw.. gw langsung senyum2.. asiikk.. audisi 1 lewat!!) ......" terus dia kasih tau lagunya dll..

Singkat cerita, Rabu ikutan audisi lagi, sekarang pesertanya tinggal dikit, ada 3 orang peserta audisi jg yang uda diconfirm masuk team. Main lagu "I Surrender All, TW" the audition did going well.
Dan kemarin, kamis, Andrew, keyboardis yg liat aku main kemaren nelp

A: "Do u want to know the result for the audition? Well.. u said u had played in the church before, right.. What kind of church is it? Is it like city harvest or more traditional?"
M : "More traditional one"
A : " Ok. from the way u play, i think u have potential, but for now, i think u can listen to more band songs like hillsongs, gmb to learn how they play in the band.. because when u play in the band sometimes there's part when u dont play.. So try to practice more with those songs.. For now, u dont have to join the worship team practice, i want to hold u for 2 months, then when the next audition come, maybe 2 months later, i hope i can see u there, we want to see ur progress"
M : "Ohh.. oke2 maybe it's also bcos i hv never played kboard since i came here.."
A : "There's no kboard in ur place? Hmm i think it's better for u to buy a simple kboard, for u to practice.. hhehe.. Ok i'll be glad if u join the next audition.. see u soon.."

So, that's the result..
gapapa kok ga langsung main sekarang.. supaya aku bisa denger lebih banyak lagu2 gereja juga, soalnya aku pun merasa, masih banyak lagu yang aku ga familiar.. mungkin ini juga bikin aku ga sombong, biar bisa practice lagi.. maybe i can start play in the cell group,which is also good.. Moreover, mungkin sekarang timing nya jg ga gitu pas, bentar lagi mau final exam, mau urus2 masuk uni, balik indo, pindahan..
Jadi i think this is not bad at all.. I think this is not a rejection or somethin like that.. and i can accept it gladly :)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

HIS grace

Tahun ini ber-paskah di malaysia.. Paskah pertamaku disini..
Satu hal yang beda dari paskahan di indo, disini jumat agung ga libur lohh.. aneh emang.. tapi ya begitulah kenyataannya..
Jumat kmaren ke gerja, city harvest, bawa temen2 juga.. sza2, calvin, tri, andre.. ada sherley, yoan, and jean juga.. Bagus2 acaranya.. dramanya ga gitu berat, ada lucu2nya juga, tapi di satu sisi bisa sedih juga.. bisa dapet maknanya jugaa..

Hari minggu aku ke fgcc juga, karena diajak grace n clara dan udah janji sama mereka kalo aku bakal dateng.. Disana ga ada drama sih, tapi ada kaya sendra tari gt, tapi ada ceritanya.. *ga tau apa itu disebutnya*

Grace kemaren nyanyi berempat sama temen2nya, nyanyi "HATI HAMBA".. KEREENNN..
Sungguh, aku begitu terharu melihat dia nyanyi...
Sampai sedikit menitikkan air mata.. "WOW! itu grace temen, adik, junior gw di Korem GKI dulu!!"
Jadi inget dari awal dia masuk remaja, dulu masih malu2, cuma ikut kebaktian. terus gabung di vocal group.. i know she has talent.. dari dulu pun sempet beberapa kali aku suruh dia jadi solis/ lead vocal buat VG..
Inget dia juga sempet pasang surut di remaja, sempet "hilang" karena sesuatu... tapi akhirnya in lagi dan tambah aktif di Korem. Dia salah satu "adik" di remaja yang buat gw, qualified.. dia punya komitmen, yang kadang agak langka buat dicari di remaja..

I really proud of her..
Denger ceritanya, waktu dia dateng ke malaysia, dia ga tau dimana ada gereja, ga kenal siapa-siapa. Sampai akhirnya ke gereja fgcc, sendiri, her own self.. dan sekarang bisa ikut pelayanan lagi disana. bisa aktif lagi...

Even we're not in the same church now, but i really really glad that she can grow in the church.. I hope, both me and her, can keep growing, no matter where we are...

Friday, April 10, 2009


There's one question that always bother my mind..
"Is it easy to make friends??"

Personally, i feel that making friends is not that easy.. Here, where i study now, i feel it is harder to find REAL FRIENDS. I keep wondering why is that so. and here are my questions..

  1. Is it always happen in college life, a situation which is different from High School Life? If it is so, means, all of my friends in Indonesia would face the same situation, feel it more difficult to find a REAL FRIEND now than when we were in high school.. People say that college student would rather be more individual, work on his/ her own. Not like in high school, that we used to do everything in groups.
  2. Is it because here, we are very multicultural, many tribes involved, many people come from different countries? I think they are also nice.. I feel even we are not picky in making friends, there's still a gap that make us cannot be really close with those who have different culture.. Maybe it is because we are not get used to some of their habits.
  3. Is the problem is just between Indonesian, who prefer to make friends amongourselves and cannot adapt easily with others?
  4. Is it all about me, myself, and i??
I admit that i'm not a type of person who easily have a BEST FRIEND. I do really like to make friends, but i just don't call everyone as my best friends. Maybe i put a high standart for a BEST FRIEND. Maybe i overestimate a word called "BEST FRIEND"

In recent years, making new friends has always been one of my resolution.
few years ago, i made a list of new friends along the year, i challenge myself, how many new people can i know in a year.. Actually, it's not about the number.. it's about how glad i am when i find new friends.. That's why i was looking forward to get involved in some society, so that i can know more friends. There's a lil bit of fear and nervous inside of me, but when conversation has been started, u will feel the relief and the happiness.. :) Maybe the hardest part in making friends is the starting point.. When u decide u want to talk or not.. When u think whether a person would be open and accept u as his/her friend or not.
Let's have a courage to START.

I wanna be more friendly, care, and not picky in making friends.

*ga tau sebenrnya mau ngomong apa.. tapi yaa kira2 begitulah yang sering saya rasakan..