Friday, November 26, 2010


im flying to shanghai, china tonight.
be fit miks, dizzy, nausea please go away..
it's gonna be great!
it's gonna be great!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

thank u for awesome people in my life!

Just watched I NOT STUPID 2.
Yea i know im so outdated bout movies, (who cares! :P) actually this movie has already hibernated here inside my laptop for 1 year plus, though i didn't watch completely before. hehehe.

So, yeah its GREAT movie! seriously. it doesn't talk non-sense and is not exagerated. it happens for real. those people really exist and im actually thankful that im not one of them. support, warmth, praises; maybe some of my fellas are also longing for it. nah. im not saying that they are in trouble, and so on. but deep inside ur heart, there is envy inside, questioning, how is it feel to be in such situation, to have supportive environment. Well, culture does take parts, we being eastern, or being chinese, more to scold but hard to praise. It seems not fair.

"Why did u steal?? Didn't i buy u everything u want? Where is the card u bought? Where is the money?" Dad shouted.
No i didn't buy any cards. *weeping* I just want to buy your one hour time. I want u to attend my concert. And it will took me one year to spare $500 from my pocket money." cried Jerry.
And Dad has nothing alse to say.

Thank u Pap. and mom. for continuously asking me how my life is, what happened the whole day. it might be simple. and i didn't really bother. but once u stop it, i think it would become one i miss for sure. also Yason. somehow, talking to him can give me peace. calm. relax.

Apart from that, thank u friends for being there, especially when i'm in need of u guys. when i was down. troubled. and need someone to talk to. doesn't mean i only come to u when im in trouble though. Of course i would love to spend fun time together also. :))
Nukke adrianty
Yosia Kurniawan
Febrina C Putri
Yessica Gunawan

Thanks for the support. Heart U!
i know there are bunches more i have, who aren't mentioned here right now.
no doubt in u guys also!!

btw, exam is FINALLY over, and HOLIDAY has just started!!! so this is how it feels to be FREE! :P

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Banyak hal yang tidak dapat dipaksakan, tapi layak diberi kesempatan..
-Filosofi Kopi, Dee

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


me + you ≠ us
me + you = me + you

I hope we can still be friends, like what we used to be.
I still admire you a lot. in the past, today, and i hope in the future too.
So, I just don't wanna lose an awesome friend like you, i hope u won't mind.
thank u :)

Monday, November 1, 2010

nukke sasa bday blast

nukke adrianty 12 oct 90

she's one of the best i have here in malaysia. a classmate, a window-shopping partner, teman curhat, teman bertukar pikiran, teman wisata kuliner, teman dikala suka dan duka.. ceria, ekspresive, confident, cuek, ego, smart, independent.. on her birthday we made a scrapbook about her entire journey in malaysia (with us most of the time.. hehehe). at the point she open it, she turned into tears and said, "this is priceless"
WELL DONE. im so happy that she likes the present we gave :)

natasza kurniawan
15 oct 91

kalo ada yg bilang age cannot determine maturity, szasa is the real example. being younger than most of us doesnt make her look childish. instead, she's very independent, decisive, and powerful in her own way. serba bisa, tangkas, mantep. kreatif. it's hard to decide what to give her as a birthday present as she's a just-straight-away-buy-if-u-want-it type. so i had an idea to order cute special cake for her. it's a custom made.. and also a photo album with our wishes inside. glad that she loves it..

sasa's rainbow cake

tolonggg mata saia mau keluarrr =.=

another sasa's birthday celebration from cellgroup, W15 at cassian's kitchen.. huhu cant see the cake clearly..


pacaran itu susah yaa..

diem salah
ngomong juga salah
ga sms salah
kebanyakan sms juga salah
main sama temen salah
diem dirumah terus juga salah
kangen salah
ga kangen, mm. sepertinya ada yg salah..
terlalu dipikir salah
terlalu dirasa juga salah
dikejar lari
ditunggu ga dateng-dateng
care dibilang overprotective
cuek dibilang ga peduli

jadi harus gimana?
ga usah pacaran aja?? :'(