Thursday, October 28, 2010


besok ujian teman.
lots of things bothering my mind right now.
glad that i have some friend who help me a lot as yesterday we share about the f*cking complicated cellular metabolism. it indeed brings a little relieves to me.

friday, 29 oct 2010. 1.30pm. cellular metabolism BTH2752.
i hope im doing well.
it's hard. like really hard.

doakan aku teman.


FBS Headmaster said...

HAHA RELAX!!! Well the body always act to what the brain tells it to do. So if you think that you have the confident in the world to get a HD for that subject, then I'm sure it will happened =)

All the best Mik!

miksuper said...

susah examnyaa =.=

FBS Headmaster said...

haha so how was it actually?? I missed out seeing you on Sunday service >.<