Wednesday, April 14, 2010


i have to admit, benar, saya kemakan omongan sendiri.

i used to against Long Distance Relationship a.k.a LDR. I felt there was no hope, no future prospect, no 'real' relationship in LDR. I mean, well, i want someone to hug, someone to be with, physically. i thought, how can u be in a relationship with someone without seeing him/her.. but reality speaks differently and now here i am, dealing with my own LDR issue..

i had this conversation with my friend one day,
K. A
"Emang lw tahan LDR mik??"

i replied
"Mmm.. yaa gue ga tau gimana ke depannya, i can't guarantee, dijalanin dulu aja, i'll do my best, and we'll see how is it going.."
gue juga ga bisa sok-sokan jadi jagoan LDR, i know it will not be that easy.

yah, i can say, this is a new chapter for me. but so far, it's working so well *yeay*.
and glad that im not alone. hahaha. banyak temen2 disini yang LDR dan fine2 saja.. so, i guess, i hope, this should be ok. bantuin yaahh.. ;)

so which side are u?? are u so PRO LDR or those who contra?? why??
feel free to give opinion..


FBS Headmaster said...

I used to be like you, I'm very again LDR because to me its not a real relationship where you actually get to be with your other half. I hated the idea of LDR but now, I think LDR is something that most couple will go through, whether its for a long period or short period, LDR will be a decider of how strong your relationship really is.

I think the right attitude to face LDR is not to fear it but is to appreciate it. All the best Mik, haha and congrats for having someone special in your life already =)

adelia swastika said...

heumm..gua inget lo pernah blg LDR itu bullshit tau.hahahahahaha..
yauda.sing sabar aja mi..baik ato tidaknya ga tergantung jarak kog.tergantung lo b2..kalo b2 merasa nyaman dan siap ga masalah..sabar yaa, saiang..

miksuper said...

thanks dannn!!! :)

@del : oopss.. iya yaahh pernah bilang gt yahh?? mampus deh kalo ketauan pacar. hahaha. yahh kata2 yg sudah terucap tidak bisa ditarik kembali kann.. sedang merubah cara pandang..people change, rite :P

Anonymous said...

wahh.. mikhal LDR.. at first it was hard, but then again it shows how strong your relationship are, never ever make a relationship holds on your career and your future, unless if you want to be a housewife for him..:)

mikhal mo ke oz ya? dimana? sydney apa melbourne? wha klo dirimu kesydney seru tuhh.. cuz gw mo plan kesana juga.. hoho.. :)

ud brpa lama skg mik? haha.. pacarmu siapa sii.. jd pnsran.. hoho..

oya, one thing that I dont like about LDR, is when you need to call him or in times of trouble, u need to spend a lot of money just to call him, unless its like him always online skyping or something..

be sure that you guys are sharing stories/keep updates everyday or ssring mgkin, jd ga ad misunderstanding..

malaysia sama Indo mah ga beda jauh jamnya,,
skg gw disni krasa bgt klo mo tlp msti itung2an jam.. haha.. cuz disini ud wktunya tdur, di Indo org malah baru beres krja,, dn disini harinya tuh telat 1 hari, jd klo di indo ud hri minggu, disni masih hari sbtu.. hoho..

soo.. gud luck with ur LDR, and always doain dia dirimu n hubungan kalian.. ;)

and one last thing, visit blog gw jg dunks.. hihi..


febrina said...

hadaahh... gue juga benernya juga kaga tahan LDR mik... tambah lagi gue orang kinestetik, makin menderitalah gua dengan LDR. untungnya dia masi mau nelpon gue... :)

tapi berhubung yang satu ini kayanya terlalu sayang untuk dilewatkan, soo... 4 jam beda timezone pun dibabat! rusak, rusak deh jam tubuh gue... *seperti yang gue lakukan sekarang, masih on jam segini, salah satunya gara-gara dia juga... *sigh*

mik, mari kita saling mengingatkan untuk terus tabah dan kuat menjalani LDR ini! hidup!!

nadyakarina said...

hi mik..
i just read your blog and coincidently i found this post and this post is really SO ME.

secara gw putus ma mantan gw sebelom ini gara2 LDR (padahal gw ma dia udah pacaran 6 taun), gw bersumpah sama salah seorang sahabat gw (yang sekarang jadi cowok gw) gw nggak bakal LDR.

tapi ternyata?
mau nggak mau gw harus ldr.
yang gw pelajarin dari LDR tuh satu hal aja. Don't expect too much.
sama satu lagi sih. kepercayaan.
that's all. :)

Anonymous said...

hi mik.. i think gw jg kemakan omongan sndir ttg LDR ini.. when I say "never ever make a relationship holds on your career and your future, unless if you want to be a housewife for him..:)" and now i'm facing it.. he doesn't want to do that anymoreee... :((( kl gw ke amrik buat skolah akting 2 tahun with no holidays at all..