Thursday, August 19, 2010

me being expanded!

being publicity officer in MUISS, Monash University Student Services, indeed stretch me.

It's always good to learn something new. And here, im forced to do all my duty and responsibility. Forced in a positive way. And i really enjoy it so far. Being publicity officer require me to be creative, as im in charge for things like posters, flyer, banner, messages..

Before, i always thought photoshop stuff is just too complicated to be understood. i didnt know how to start, while some of my friends were those photoshop experts. but, now, since it's a MUST to do those publication, i HAVE TO do it!! No turn back. (and i dont wanna turn back anyway). There're quite some number of my works so far, it's not perfect, i know, and some are very simple, modest. But im happy with it, still. It's still my creation..

This is one thing u get by being involved in organization.
What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger!!
So please, i encourage u, spend some of your time in a society. i believe it will be good for u ;)

Some of my works

Made by Adel and me.
Special thanks to her. kapan2 berguru lagi ahh.. ;)

Who's on the Spot ?!

Cultural diversity day

Mari belajar. Mari berkreasi.


Anonymous said...

u have talent

VnZ said...

you should do graphic design hun.. you have talent in art than me.. :)

miksuper said...

thanks all..

Anonymous said...

your new blog background looks nice


priscilla manurung said...

bagus-bagus mik!

Shaf said...

You have done an AMAZING job so far as the publicity officer for MUISS 2010/11 Mik :D I appreciate both your enthusiasm and your dedication.

Shafqat Zaman
MUISS President 2010/11
Monash Univeristy