me + you ≠ us
me + you = me + you
me + you = me + you
I hope we can still be friends, like what we used to be.
I still admire you a lot. in the past, today, and i hope in the future too.
So, I just don't wanna lose an awesome friend like you, i hope u won't mind.
thank u :)
I still admire you a lot. in the past, today, and i hope in the future too.
So, I just don't wanna lose an awesome friend like you, i hope u won't mind.
thank u :)
wait.. wait..
let me hold on to something..
I'm lil' bit confuse here
what is it all about?
is there something wrong?
marahan sama temen?
kenapa mesti minta ijin buat temenan??
bukannya temen itu selamanya ya?
(apa sie??)
ko' yo aku mumet, ra ngerti..
got it..
don't mind.. don't mind..
sorry.. my bad..
stupid me!
stupid me!!
semangat ya mikhaal :)
knapa kmu,miii??
mik mikkk!!
keep smiling keep shining... :)
anyway.. an end always means a new start too.. ;)
thank u thank u!!!
there'll be sunshine after the rain :)
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