Happy belated easter everyone!!
Lucky i had one week of easter break here so i could take a breath from my lots uni-works. Actually at first, i was quite disappoint that i couldn't join nukke, shinhui, joanne, and ola to go to sidney because it was quite expensive i would say. But now if i think back, i can be grateful because here in melbourne i had heaps of fun too. So here was my one week journey..
My holiday started on Good Friday, i woke up early that day and went for Easter Service at IPC church. Right after the service, me and many others went to Campaspe Down for Easter Camp!! The Camp was really fun. I made many great friends, listened to the word of God, exercised, played trampoline, ate good food, sang, laughed, etc etc. The most interesting part about the camp is the outbound session, we were divided into teams to complete some missions, and in order to do that, we need to defeat enemies, looks for money, talked to people, negotiated, bargained, etc. Just like what we did in RPG game. And the best part, the winner got bucket of chocolates as their throphy. My easter was indeed merry and happy.
Secondly, i went to Frankston beach on Tuesday. Staying home the whole day on Monday doing nothing makes me feel like going out (as always). SO i asked some people to go somewhere and ended up went to frankston with Chiquita and one of her friend. Frankston is a nice quite beach, it is much nicer than St Kilda where i have been previously. And they were having sand sculpture exhibition there.. It was beautiful. After, we had lunch in Sofia for pizza and pasta.. slllrrrpp.. It's not the end yet! In the afternoon, i went out some more with Tirza and her cellgroup to have a nice dinner, Simon's peking duck.. It wasssss reaaaallllyyy yummy...

Say Hello from Frankston!
The next day, me and clayton cellgroup members had arranged another trip to Mount Dandenong.. Actually there's nothing much there, we just ate and took pictures. We went for this small cafe called Miss Marple, which is famous for their scones ($8.5) and to get in we had to queue for 45 mins. ckckck.. Luckily, the food and the place was nice. Though we were full, we still had another dinner together. After spending money the whole day, it's time for home food. We all went to Gabby's place, cooked and ate korean black noodle.. My day was full and so was my stomach :P

With Miss Marple in the pic

Giant chair at Mount Dandenong
I spent my Thursday and Friday with Timmy, one cousin of mine who also studies here in Monash. I watched Thor on Thu night, fyi, it was my first cinema movie here, and it was 3D some more. I actually don't mind not to watch movie at all here (since it is very expensive $15), but maybe it's also not a bad idea to know how does it feel to watch it here. hahaha. Compare to malaysia, the cinema was big, with less people watching. The movie itself was good, but not spectacular for me.
My friday trip was actually a 'shocked-trip' since at the beginning i planned just to stay at home doing my assignment. However at the end, i went to Geelong (another small town near Melbourne, 1.5 hour drive) with Tim n Sam. It was just happened. Timmy texted me whether i was busy or not, and i said not really. I thought he will just asked to go for lunch or something, unfortunately, or fortunately, he asked me to join him going to geelong. I thought for a while, and decided i wouldn't miss this!! hahaha. The scenery was beautiful. we went for photo session in Geelong, followed by Dockland, and finished with heavenly taste sticky date pudding in malvern... Aaarrggghh it was just so delicious, words can't describe.. *lebay*
SO that's what my one week been. Full of experiences, Full of happiness, Full of Awesome Food.