Hey ya!
I just had my first blood donation last Friday. Woohooo.. I feel cool. Everything happened smoothly. no faint. no vomitting. no dizzy. No difference at all.
Actually i have tried few times donating blood during my high school in Indo, and in Malaysia. But it always failed at the end. Once, they told me that my blood pressure was too low that i was not eligible to donate. Second, in Malaysia, they require us, foreigner, to be inside Malaysia at least a year while i just came back from Indo back then.
I actually quite nervous to donate, worry if i would faint, or at least throw up after. Suprisingly, it's all good. They informed us to have a meal and lots of water to drink before the donating time. And i obeyed (afraid something bad happened if i didn't).

No pain. I donate 450 ml of my blood which is less than 10% of the total blood we have. If i can do it, u can do it too :)
gw juga ud lama ga donor mii..jadi takut.hahahah..
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