Have you ever heard the quote, "He makes all things beautiful, in His Time" ? I heard a lot, and more than that, i didn't only hear it a lot, i also experienced it a lot. This is one of my simple story..
Back in 2009, I was desperately looking for a room for myself as my contract at my previous apartment was almost end. With budget under average and no partner to share a room with, i started to contact some agents and did some inspection in Lagoonview Condominium. It was not an easy job considering a good place usually come with 'good' price, while not-so-nice place come with okay price. I was quite stress back then, wondering whether i could find some place in time. So what else did i do? Pray. I admit that i prayed harder that time because of this problem that i struggled in. To cut the story short, finally I got this really nice, huge, not expensive room in Lagoonview with nice housemates and roommate to share with. I can say out of nowhere, i just saw this ads posted at campus, and decided to contact it. Not from someone that I know, not from any of my friend. Somehow, there was a way that lead me to that room.
Last semester, I had to say goodbye to my lovely room as I was going for exchange to australia. No matter how nice and not expensive it is, it still a waste of money if I resist to pay the rental and keep the room for my coming back the semester after. Next challenge is again, to find another room in Australia. It was also challenging since I only contacted the landlords overseas through email. Most of them will ask people to pay the deposit to confirm the booking and almost all didn't allow us to share a room with someone else. I prayed. and believed if God could make it happen before, He surely will provide, as he always do.
Two weeks before my departure, I found an advertisement from a student website offering a twin-sharing room. I contacted the owner and was so glad that he is a very welcome person, and he was saying, "Don't trouble yourself to send the money overseas, just pay it once you reached," He even offered me a lift from the airport to the house. How nice that is. I emailed him to confirm the place, I thought, if something goes wrong and we really really couldn't stand it, at least we haven't pay anything. Nothing to lose. Thankfully, when i reached Melbourne, I saw the place and really satisfied with the room, it was much bigger than I expected! So now here I am, staying in a big room, sharing with my exchange friend, cut a lot of accommodation cost during my study here. Make friends with nice housemates, doesn't need to pay any extra money for electricity and all the bill (many of my friends do!).
As four months have passed, it almost the time for me to leave Melbourne, meaning, it also the time for me to find another room in Malaysia! A month ago I told my ex-housemate to let me know if there's anyone moving out from the house. I know it's quite impossible knowing that 3 of the tenants were just moved in last semester, and the other two will only finish their study next year. I started to ask from some friends, post it in fb, etc. Again with no partner to share, it's quite hard to find affordable room in LV. But this time, I really believe that He will be my provider.
One night I was checking my fb, and felt like checking Lagoonview fb account, and there was it.
A single room for RM650 (excluding utilities) is available from July 2011 onwards. The unit is only for GIRLS. Pls msg me if u r interested!
The UNIT...fully furnished, including air-con, stove for cooking, housekeeping, washing machine, dining room, sofa
The ROOM....- a queen-sized bed, study table, big wardrobe(with mirror), 1 external mirror, air-con are, attached bathroom-the room has good air ventilation as the room has 2 big windows and the room is repainted recently(posted 1 hour ago)
I straight away contacted the person, read the post again and thinking "Hmm why is this place sounds familiar... 650 per month, middle room... Hmm i felt i have heard the person name as well" Then i msn my ex-housemate, asking what's the girl's name who's staying in the middle room. And it's really her!! Ohhh my! it definitely not an accident. That was the unit i stayed before. I quickly booked the room through my housemate. In this time when the rental price is increasing over and over, almost impossible to get room with this price. And I actually left some of my stuff in the house before, so i won't have to trouble myself to move house. I'm so lucky and thankful.

Yes He is always with us...
You are super blessed Mik! Must be because of your sweet spirit and your faithfulness.
I can't wait to meet you soon! Remember to bring back a baby kangaroo ^^
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