Tuesday, September 22, 2009

weekend ironi

everytime friday, the last day of the weekday comes, i always be full of joy.
even when i have no plan at all, having the weekday flew by and the weekend coming is just awesome!!
after hardworking days, a lot of assignments, classes, and assessment, i just feel to REST. to take a break for a moment, take time not to think about chemistry biology statistic and math. studylife in monash is definitely not the same as in MUFY sunway. i can say that monash 1st year is triple of MUFY.. but it means u really learn somethin right.. When u feel it's simple n easy *like i used to think about mufy*, actually u didnt learn much. u didnt expand urself. didnt gain some knowledge, or only gain Little knowledge..

um. ok. the point is, me n all of my monash friends are always very excited having weekend.. the most common things to do is go pyramid, eat somewhere there, go to supermarket, jajan somethin.. it seems so fun at that point, but then it gives bad effect. :((
no matter how less money i spend during weekday, i will always lack of money after weekend..
though i count every cent i spent, i still have no saving.
arghh.. compare to some of my friends, they seems spend without thinking.. watch movie 3 times a week, karaoke, buy new shoes also dont really matter.. huhuhu.. no, no i dont want to watch movie too often, i also dont want to buy new stuff everyweek. but i love love to try new things.

eat in pyramid costs me 10-20plus ringgit per visit. rm10 for McD *see, even ONLY McD also cost money!* 20plus if we want to go to resto. as a result, my 2 days weekend can cost me same or more than my 5 days weekdays.. grrr.. wat an expensive weekend!

i cannot stay at home in front of my lapotop for the whole day. i just cant stand for it.
u can ask my family, i ll be bored, gelisah, bingung when i have nothing to do at home. even at my hometown, where there is TV, piano, internet, telp, n everythin. still i cant stand :(( so, i hv to face the consequence. for me going out = happy, meanwhile, most of the time, going out = spend money..
so, is it really true that spend money = happy.
i dont think so...

does it mean i need some more money? im not sure either. people say, 'we will never have enough' it's not that easy to make us satisfy and be quiet. we, human will always ask for more. that's human nature.

*mm. by the way, this blog is only splash of my expression. not a way for asking some more money pap. dont get me wrong.hehe


Anonymous said...

ha haa.., i almost got wrong, before reading your last sentence..


miksuper said...

hahaha. see. i knew it. this post can make some misunderstanding. :))

PreMan berDasi said...

waduhh...gw setuju dengan spend money = happy....

jadi shopholic begini daku....ngeliat yang keren sedikit pengen beli...

belanja membuat hidup lebih hidup....kacauuu...

Anonymous said...

haha mik, klo aku kebalikannya..

gw lbh plih diem dirumah ngerjain tugas, main laptop bisa seharian.. hahaha.. jarang banget shopping..

paling klo shopping buat grocery items aja udah,, :D

oo!! klo for me, spend money=happy si iya, tapi shooping=get away!

haha.. klo udah stress sma tugas2 yang memang menumpuk ga jelas, ato males ngerjain, yang ada gw main ke bugis, ato ke manalah, refreshing mata dan bkin hati senang.. smpe lupa pnya pr.. haha.. pas udah inget udah malem bgt.. hahaha.. kyak essay gw, udah 1 bulan overdue.. ga ngerti apa yang harus di tulis.. haha..