Last week i had long weekend, friday to sunday.. Me n MUFY friends decided to rent car and go around KL..
Friday, May 01, 09, 3.30 p.m
Mikhal, Fenny, Sza2, Dicky, Triandi, Ola, Nukke, Hendra, Calvin started our journey.. 2 cars ran to Sri Hartamas area.. Waw, It has been a long time since the last time i go jalanjalan.. Our semster 2 life is very different compare to sem1. We used to go to KL every weekend, as we only had 3 subjects along the smster.. But now, MUFY seems so much more serious.. We went to the mall and shopping area nearby. Unfortunately, some resto n shops were closed bcos it was public holiday n still early.. At night, it would be more alive..
We went to a boutique, with '50% SALE' banner in front of it.. Girls, time to shop. :P.. Pick, n try.. Pick, n try.. Finally, sza2, fenny, and ola went out of the shop with some new stuff :) i didn't shop there, i had my own plan.. hihihi..
At night, we went to Putrajaya, sight-seeing, enjoying the night, playing, taking pict.. In fact, we spent quite time just to find the place.. We didn't know exactly where to go, we only know there's a beautiful bridge there, without knowing its name.. We went around and around for an hour, till finally we arrived.. There was a huge beautiful mosque with a large park, and of course, the famous bridge.. We took a lot of pict there and had fun together..
Midnight, we decided to go back home, and reach sunway around 2 a.m.

euforia liat hijaunya rumput, ga tahan buat foto sambil tidur2an..
maklum di rumah ga ada rumput..

wiii... spiderman dan catwomen beraksi...
jembatan di putrajaya pun dipanjat
Ssst.. Ssstt.. Our journey didn't end there...
The following day, this batch, minus fenny, plus anjab n shafqat, continued our journey to Genting Highland.. Woke up early in the morning ( only sleep for 4 hours.. grr..) then caoo to genting.. Whiii.. Genting was so cold in the morning. The wind blew heavily and the fog was really thick! We had breakfast there, take pict (cant miss this, for sure :P), and entered the Snow world.. Crazy!!! The weather outside was nothing, compared inside the snow world.. It was less than 0 degree inside.. Arrrgghh.. FREEZING!! But definitely, it was really fun.. I could hardly feel my leg, and my body was shivering... huhuhu
The following day, this batch, minus fenny, plus anjab n shafqat, continued our journey to Genting Highland.. Woke up early in the morning ( only sleep for 4 hours.. grr..) then caoo to genting.. Whiii.. Genting was so cold in the morning. The wind blew heavily and the fog was really thick! We had breakfast there, take pict (cant miss this, for sure :P), and entered the Snow world.. Crazy!!! The weather outside was nothing, compared inside the snow world.. It was less than 0 degree inside.. Arrrgghh.. FREEZING!! But definitely, it was really fun.. I could hardly feel my leg, and my body was shivering... huhuhu

snow world!!
check these out!!
busetttt...u kok gemuk bener mik.....tambah subur aja....di kasi makan apa...??ckckckc.....
sebelum di publis...di edit dulu donk.....kurusin dikit....pake photo shop...
tetep dari sang preman...
iya nihh emang malaysia bikin subur aja..
cupu kan, ga ngerti edit2 photoshop..
lagian, jujur lebih baik lahh.. heheheh
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