Finally, i went to Bangkok, Thailand. yippieeee.. it was definitely a SUPER DUPER FUN TRIP.
Sunday morning, Sasa, Nukke, Jacqueline, and me flew there. Arrived around 2pm, straight away went shopping after hotel check in. Chatucak Market is definitely a shopping heaven. No matter how hot it was, with full of spirit we walk through step by step, shop by shop, SHOPPED LIKE MAD!! Fully satisfied!! it was really fortunate that we went there on sunday, cos Chatucak only opens during weekends. All stuff were sold around 100-250 baht, which is aroun 30rb-70rb rupiah... Definitely much cheaper than Malaysia, and even can beat Jakarta's Mangga Dua.. Super!!
Other destination, the beautiful magnificent Grand Palace. Amazing.
Kaosan Road, backpackers area. Lots of Bule.. :p lots of cafe, pub, hostels, and market.
Chao Phraya River, not really different with indonesian river. *i bet u can imagine how it looks like :P
Suan Lum Night Bazaar. okay. nothing beats Chatuchak a.k.a CC
Calypso Show - Asia Hotel.. wanna see "pretty girls"? u better check this out.
Platinum Mall - Their ITC mall, wholesale n grocery shopping.
Their DURIAN and MANGO were sooooo nice!! until we have no hesitation to buy it in the airport, in the last minutes we have there. maybe its ten times more expensive than the normal price, but who cares. I want it so bad!!
*It's a great deal to travel in a group of 4, u can share taxi everywhere u go. and it's cheap. even cheaper than if u take MRT and pay per person. :)
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Inspite of the continuous overflowing monash assignment, i really HAPPY the entire week..
began with cultural diversity day held on tuesday, like what i mention in the previous post, continued with sandra's birthday last thursday, we had a surprise party in front of lagoonview.. lots of friends came and celebrated. song, cake, photos, and saboo :P (make fun of sandra -red).
began with cultural diversity day held on tuesday, like what i mention in the previous post, continued with sandra's birthday last thursday, we had a surprise party in front of lagoonview.. lots of friends came and celebrated. song, cake, photos, and saboo :P (make fun of sandra -red).

the next day, it was a holiday.. relax time.. we really need some breath after those monash weeks. :'( watch step up 3 with nukke. COOL! and spend the whole nite having karaoke & dinner buffet. it's another blessing!! sandra treated us in Amp Square with dinner and karaoke (as she loves karaoke so much.. hehehe). most probably it was the biggest room they have. it's really HUGE. can afford 50+ people i guess. two storey some more! complete with mini pool table and 3 game machines.. fully satisfied! i love karaoke!! evenmore with the buffet!! even even much more when it's FREE :P wakakakak..
Friday combine Cellgroup w9 and w15.. nice teaching from andrew, nice testimonies, and nice to catch up and fellowship with them all.
Another moment was celebrating Hari Raya (Aidil Fitri) with all my malay friends. It's really a pleasure to be invited by them, knowing the i was the only one (or at least the only two) non-malay there.. :) How is that so?? actually i knew them because we are in the same group in crop science lab. and are in the same class for most of our subjects. But it doesnt really make us close yet. Last week, i asked asiah to take part in CDD and she accepted it. so from just a say-Hi-conversation, we talk to each other more.
It's the first time i celebrate Raya here, so i was excited to go although i didnt really know most of them. another chance to make friends also, right ;) THEY WERE AWESOME. So there were 5 of them staying in the apartment units, all girls, they prepared everything by themselves. cooked soto, lontong, spaghetti, etc etc. Remind me back home, what mama do if we're having some celebration at home. noted. What MAMA do, not what ME, MYSELF do . hahaha. i cant imagine cooking lots of food by myself. (nguuukk. really need to progress =.=) ate some kue Raya.. some friends also brought some food as it is a pot luck (i used to call it perjamuan kasih) as well.
Slowly i know some people there, some of my classmates actually. yea. although we're in the same class, we hardly talk to each other. It's quite funny actually, i can listen and understand what do they say, but never talk malay with them. I just feel weird. So, in the end, i think it's only me talking in english while other spoke malay.
Is it becoming a long blog post already?? one more one more, then ill stop :P
Today is the day. WHO'S ON THE SPOT Vol. 2.
It's a MUISS event, and me and renga in charge of this. im really glad that everything went really well. the performances, the crowds, even the sound system which most of the time sucks. im just sooo happy that everyone likes it. and all the performers, they really offered something worth-to-watch. what a big relief.
Another moment was celebrating Hari Raya (Aidil Fitri) with all my malay friends. It's really a pleasure to be invited by them, knowing the i was the only one (or at least the only two) non-malay there.. :) How is that so?? actually i knew them because we are in the same group in crop science lab. and are in the same class for most of our subjects. But it doesnt really make us close yet. Last week, i asked asiah to take part in CDD and she accepted it. so from just a say-Hi-conversation, we talk to each other more.
It's the first time i celebrate Raya here, so i was excited to go although i didnt really know most of them. another chance to make friends also, right ;) THEY WERE AWESOME. So there were 5 of them staying in the apartment units, all girls, they prepared everything by themselves. cooked soto, lontong, spaghetti, etc etc. Remind me back home, what mama do if we're having some celebration at home. noted. What MAMA do, not what ME, MYSELF do . hahaha. i cant imagine cooking lots of food by myself. (nguuukk. really need to progress =.=) ate some kue Raya.. some friends also brought some food as it is a pot luck (i used to call it perjamuan kasih) as well.
Slowly i know some people there, some of my classmates actually. yea. although we're in the same class, we hardly talk to each other. It's quite funny actually, i can listen and understand what do they say, but never talk malay with them. I just feel weird. So, in the end, i think it's only me talking in english while other spoke malay.
Is it becoming a long blog post already?? one more one more, then ill stop :P
Today is the day. WHO'S ON THE SPOT Vol. 2.
It's a MUISS event, and me and renga in charge of this. im really glad that everything went really well. the performances, the crowds, even the sound system which most of the time sucks. im just sooo happy that everyone likes it. and all the performers, they really offered something worth-to-watch. what a big relief.

random fact : i realized i have lots of new picts these few days documented all the event. *actually before, i was thinking 'what a boring fb i have.. no update, less wall post, no chat, nothing' but now, even openning my fb also makes me happy*
last but not least, Happy Mid Autumn Festival!!
this is what LIFE supposed to BE..
karena "Hidup terlalu singkat untuk dilalui dengan biasa-biasa sajaa..."
Sunday, September 19, 2010
CG outing to emily's place
last week i had Aidil Fitri holiday - nah. it's a very short one actually. i only had one day holiday for Hari Raya, not like indonesian Raya holiday.. So it was kind of a long weekend for me. and i spent it with my cellgroup, W15. stayed over to Emily's house in Rawang for a night.
actually im the one who suggested this idea a week before. after being rejected and unsuccessfully went for sleepover in Supi's new house (hehehe.. no offense!), i feel like going to another friend's house. thinking what to do during Raya, i simply mentioned it during CG fellowship, "why dont we go to emily's house..." hehhehe. is it too direct? that i didn't wait for the owner to invite us personally? :P maybe it is. but i dont feel like spending my precious weekend in lagoonview, sunway, or pyramid doing nothing... i need an escape man!
glad that emily (and her family) responded
it joyfully. woohooo! :)
So there were 12 of us went to her house, and yeah, we really had LOTS OF FUN there.. the family was very welcome.. and the house is very comfy and hommy.. hmmm. first time visitting and staying over in a proper house in malaysia i guess.. they had a room called conservatory, this is where we gather, where the boys sleep at night, and where we spend most of our time. Graduated with interior designer degree, her house really shows artistic side of hers. everything was well decorated and well designed.
We played lots of games, eat lots of food, had a good sleep, had a great fellowship time. it's precious moment to spend together. :) and her father blessed us a lot, he did the BBQ and cooking for us. WOW! super! thanks uncle.
Thanks emily for a good holiday we spent together.
actually im the one who suggested this idea a week before. after being rejected and unsuccessfully went for sleepover in Supi's new house (hehehe.. no offense!), i feel like going to another friend's house. thinking what to do during Raya, i simply mentioned it during CG fellowship, "why dont we go to emily's house..." hehhehe. is it too direct? that i didn't wait for the owner to invite us personally? :P maybe it is. but i dont feel like spending my precious weekend in lagoonview, sunway, or pyramid doing nothing... i need an escape man!
glad that emily (and her family) responded
it joyfully. woohooo! :)
So there were 12 of us went to her house, and yeah, we really had LOTS OF FUN there.. the family was very welcome.. and the house is very comfy and hommy.. hmmm. first time visitting and staying over in a proper house in malaysia i guess.. they had a room called conservatory, this is where we gather, where the boys sleep at night, and where we spend most of our time. Graduated with interior designer degree, her house really shows artistic side of hers. everything was well decorated and well designed.
We played lots of games, eat lots of food, had a good sleep, had a great fellowship time. it's precious moment to spend together. :) and her father blessed us a lot, he did the BBQ and cooking for us. WOW! super! thanks uncle.
Thanks emily for a good holiday we spent together.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
yesterday, there was this event, Cultural Diversity Day, in Monash campus. So basically the event is about to show how your culture is. There were food stalls, henna hand painting, fashion show, and performances. And me,, together with angga and sandra, represented indonesia to do performance. We sang indonesian songs, Arti Hadirmu, Untukku, and Negeriku.
It was FUN as it's been quite long time for me to play some music and perform it. i enjoyed it! Athough, to be honest, we just did the rehearsal a day before, just chose the song, just had a keyboard to be borrowed, and just asked angga to join us. hehehe. yea. it was a last minute thing.
Though it's not spectacular, but the respond was good. :)
It was FUN as it's been quite long time for me to play some music and perform it. i enjoyed it! Athough, to be honest, we just did the rehearsal a day before, just chose the song, just had a keyboard to be borrowed, and just asked angga to join us. hehehe. yea. it was a last minute thing.
Though it's not spectacular, but the respond was good. :)
indonesian food stalls.. keripik tempe RM 2.50 ckckck.
biar mahal tetep aja abis. mantap.
biar mahal tetep aja abis. mantap.
Friday, September 10, 2010
(hampir) pingsan di Guci
Pernah dengar tempat wisata bernama Guci? Terus terang, pertama kali saya mendengar Guci, saya membayangkan pemandian air panas elite, dengan design European minimalis, mungkin juga karena namanya mirip dengan brand internasional terkemuka. Beberapa bulan yang lalu saya sekeluarga bekesempatan berlibur ke Guci, Tegal. Sebenarnya sih mama yang paling semangat dan penasaran tentang mata air Guci yang konon katanya ampuh menyembuhkan penyakit. Browsing lokasi, akomodasi, dan informasi pun dimulai lewat internet. Sayangnya, info yang kami dapat sangat minim, dan biasanya lebih banyak informasi perjalanan dari blog pribadi mereka yang sudah berkunjung sebelumya. Belum lagi masalah akomodasi, ujungnya saya cuma mendapat nomer telepon beberapa hotel, tanpa petunjuk bagaimana kondisi dan lokasinya.
Lima jam perjalanan dari Jakarta ke Kota Tegal, ternyata masih harus ditambah 1 jam lagi menuju Guci, yang jalannya menanjak plus berliku-liku. Sangat disayangkan, objek wisata Guci kurang didukung dengan petunjuk jalan yang memadai. Yah, mungkin namanya orang Indonesia, berpegang pada pepatah, malu bertanya sesat di jalan, jadi kami memang ‘dipaksa’ untuk tanya sana-sini supaya enggak nyasar.
Sampai di lokasi, untungnya, hotel yang sudah kami booking sebelumnya tanpa tau seberapa jauh dari sumber mata air terletak persis disebelah kolam air panas. Kenapa kami memutuskan menginap disana? Ini sih lebih ke tebak-tebak buah manggis, mau mengontak hotel saja susah banget, kadang salah sambung, kadang enggak diangkat, kadang hotel satu dengan hotel lain nomer teleponnya sama. Setelah beberapa kali mencoba menelepon dan kecewa, akhirnya kami dipertemukan dengan hotel melati ini. Hotelnya agak mirip kos-kosan, yang menurut saya agak pricey buat hotel sekelas itu. Mungkin juga karena waktu itu lagi musim liburan sekolah, jadi mereka ikut harga high season.
Singkat cerita, tibalah saatnya kami mencicipi mata air guci. J Disana kami bisa memilih, mau berendam gratis di sungai umum, atau di kolam renang hotel dengan membayar kontribusi. Salah besar kalau kamu pikir bisa bisa berleha-leha dengan privacy di kolam renang hotel. Ternyata banyak pengunjung yang rela menguras kocek buat berendam di kolam renang meskipun ada yang gratisan. Memang harganya tidak terlalu mahal dan terjangkau dompet. Alam memang hebat. Disana air bisa tumpah berlimpah-limpah dari sumbernya, dan ingat ini bukan sekedar air biasa, ini sumber air panas. Kalau biasanya kita harus pakai pemanas air buat mandi air panas, disini orang-orang tinggal nyemplung ke sungai. Dua puluh empat jam sehari, tujuh hari seminggu air panas jernih mengalir dengan derasnya dari mata air. Di pagi-pagi buta, bahkan sebelum matahari terbit, penduduk sekitar beramai-ramai datang ke sungai, melakukan ritual sehari-hari, mandi, cuci baju, dan sebagainya. Dari anak balita sampai kakek-nenek, laki-laki dan perempuan ikut berendam dan menikmati air panas Guci.
Ada pengalaman agak buruk yang saya alami di Guci. Entah karena sayanya yang ndeso, atau memang kejadian ini terjadi bukan pada saya seorang. Seperti sensasi berendam air panas pada umumnya, walaupun awalnya kepanasan, setelah beberapa lama saya malah keasyikan berendam air panas. Saya pun bukan sekedar berendam air panas, tapi juga berenang air panas. Berenang seperti di kolam renang biasa, bolak-balik dari ujung ke ujung sambil sesekali menyelam. Rasanya semua baik-baik saja, sampai sekitar 30 menit saya berenang dan memutuskan untuk menyudahi acara berendam a. k. a. berenang saya. Begitu naik dari kolam, pandangan saya mulai buram, kepala pusing, dan perut mual. Saya pun terduduk di pinggir kolam, lemas hampir pingsan! Hal yang sama terjadi pada mama, yang hampir terjatuh begitu naik dari kolam. Untungnya papa dan adik saya tidak ikut-ikutan ambruk karena sempat keluar kolam beberapa kali selagi berendam. Rasanya waktu itu saya cuma kepingin cepat-cepat kembali ke hotel. Tapi apa mau dikata, kaki saya pun tidak kuat menopang berat badan. Butuh waktu sekitar 15 menit untuk memulihkan kondisi dan kuat jalan menuju hotel. Jadilah acara berenang air panas disudahi dengan dua wanita terkapar di pinggir kolam.
Tidak ada petunjuk atau peringatan berapa lama pengunjung dianjurkan berendam. Saya pun bertanya-tanya apakah hal ini juga terjadi pada pengunjung lain. Penilitian menunjukkan, 15-20 menit berendam di air panas adalah batas toleransi tubuh kita terhadap suhu tinggi dalam kolam air panas. Berendam lebih dari waktu yang ditentukan bisa menyebabkan dehidrasi dalam tubuh dan overheating. Tak heran saya dan mama mengalami hal-hal di atas. Sepertinya tubuh kami kaget begitu keluar dari air panas ke suhu ruangan.
Padahal ini bukan kali pertama saya mengunjungi pemandian air panas, sebelumnya di Kuala Selangor, Malaysia saya berkunjung ke Taman Rekreasi Air Panas. Bedanya disana kolam-kolam lebih tertata rapi, lengkap dengan keterangan berapa suhu setiap kolam, dan tidak lupa peringatan waktu maksimum untuk berendam di kolam. Pengunjung pun lebih fleksibel dalam memilih, kolam 30°C, 40°C , sampai 80°C. Ada beberapa spot yang dikhususkan untuk merendam kaki saja, ada pula kolam bersuhu tinggi untuk merebus telur. Dengan informasi seperti ini, jelas pengunjung menjadi lebih waspada dan bertanggung jawab atas keselamatan diri sendiri.
Sepertinya sudah saatnya menambah informasi mendukung demi keselamatan pengunjung. Jangan sampai pengunjung jadi kapok datang lagi karena alih-alih kenangan manis, malah kenangan buruk yang didapat disana.
Lima jam perjalanan dari Jakarta ke Kota Tegal, ternyata masih harus ditambah 1 jam lagi menuju Guci, yang jalannya menanjak plus berliku-liku. Sangat disayangkan, objek wisata Guci kurang didukung dengan petunjuk jalan yang memadai. Yah, mungkin namanya orang Indonesia, berpegang pada pepatah, malu bertanya sesat di jalan, jadi kami memang ‘dipaksa’ untuk tanya sana-sini supaya enggak nyasar.
Sampai di lokasi, untungnya, hotel yang sudah kami booking sebelumnya tanpa tau seberapa jauh dari sumber mata air terletak persis disebelah kolam air panas. Kenapa kami memutuskan menginap disana? Ini sih lebih ke tebak-tebak buah manggis, mau mengontak hotel saja susah banget, kadang salah sambung, kadang enggak diangkat, kadang hotel satu dengan hotel lain nomer teleponnya sama. Setelah beberapa kali mencoba menelepon dan kecewa, akhirnya kami dipertemukan dengan hotel melati ini. Hotelnya agak mirip kos-kosan, yang menurut saya agak pricey buat hotel sekelas itu. Mungkin juga karena waktu itu lagi musim liburan sekolah, jadi mereka ikut harga high season.
Singkat cerita, tibalah saatnya kami mencicipi mata air guci. J Disana kami bisa memilih, mau berendam gratis di sungai umum, atau di kolam renang hotel dengan membayar kontribusi. Salah besar kalau kamu pikir bisa bisa berleha-leha dengan privacy di kolam renang hotel. Ternyata banyak pengunjung yang rela menguras kocek buat berendam di kolam renang meskipun ada yang gratisan. Memang harganya tidak terlalu mahal dan terjangkau dompet. Alam memang hebat. Disana air bisa tumpah berlimpah-limpah dari sumbernya, dan ingat ini bukan sekedar air biasa, ini sumber air panas. Kalau biasanya kita harus pakai pemanas air buat mandi air panas, disini orang-orang tinggal nyemplung ke sungai. Dua puluh empat jam sehari, tujuh hari seminggu air panas jernih mengalir dengan derasnya dari mata air. Di pagi-pagi buta, bahkan sebelum matahari terbit, penduduk sekitar beramai-ramai datang ke sungai, melakukan ritual sehari-hari, mandi, cuci baju, dan sebagainya. Dari anak balita sampai kakek-nenek, laki-laki dan perempuan ikut berendam dan menikmati air panas Guci.
Ada pengalaman agak buruk yang saya alami di Guci. Entah karena sayanya yang ndeso, atau memang kejadian ini terjadi bukan pada saya seorang. Seperti sensasi berendam air panas pada umumnya, walaupun awalnya kepanasan, setelah beberapa lama saya malah keasyikan berendam air panas. Saya pun bukan sekedar berendam air panas, tapi juga berenang air panas. Berenang seperti di kolam renang biasa, bolak-balik dari ujung ke ujung sambil sesekali menyelam. Rasanya semua baik-baik saja, sampai sekitar 30 menit saya berenang dan memutuskan untuk menyudahi acara berendam a. k. a. berenang saya. Begitu naik dari kolam, pandangan saya mulai buram, kepala pusing, dan perut mual. Saya pun terduduk di pinggir kolam, lemas hampir pingsan! Hal yang sama terjadi pada mama, yang hampir terjatuh begitu naik dari kolam. Untungnya papa dan adik saya tidak ikut-ikutan ambruk karena sempat keluar kolam beberapa kali selagi berendam. Rasanya waktu itu saya cuma kepingin cepat-cepat kembali ke hotel. Tapi apa mau dikata, kaki saya pun tidak kuat menopang berat badan. Butuh waktu sekitar 15 menit untuk memulihkan kondisi dan kuat jalan menuju hotel. Jadilah acara berenang air panas disudahi dengan dua wanita terkapar di pinggir kolam.
Tidak ada petunjuk atau peringatan berapa lama pengunjung dianjurkan berendam. Saya pun bertanya-tanya apakah hal ini juga terjadi pada pengunjung lain. Penilitian menunjukkan, 15-20 menit berendam di air panas adalah batas toleransi tubuh kita terhadap suhu tinggi dalam kolam air panas. Berendam lebih dari waktu yang ditentukan bisa menyebabkan dehidrasi dalam tubuh dan overheating. Tak heran saya dan mama mengalami hal-hal di atas. Sepertinya tubuh kami kaget begitu keluar dari air panas ke suhu ruangan.
Padahal ini bukan kali pertama saya mengunjungi pemandian air panas, sebelumnya di Kuala Selangor, Malaysia saya berkunjung ke Taman Rekreasi Air Panas. Bedanya disana kolam-kolam lebih tertata rapi, lengkap dengan keterangan berapa suhu setiap kolam, dan tidak lupa peringatan waktu maksimum untuk berendam di kolam. Pengunjung pun lebih fleksibel dalam memilih, kolam 30°C, 40°C , sampai 80°C. Ada beberapa spot yang dikhususkan untuk merendam kaki saja, ada pula kolam bersuhu tinggi untuk merebus telur. Dengan informasi seperti ini, jelas pengunjung menjadi lebih waspada dan bertanggung jawab atas keselamatan diri sendiri.
Sepertinya sudah saatnya menambah informasi mendukung demi keselamatan pengunjung. Jangan sampai pengunjung jadi kapok datang lagi karena alih-alih kenangan manis, malah kenangan buruk yang didapat disana.
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