Wednesday, March 31, 2010


i remember, once, nukke said this to me
"... asiik mikhal turun tangan.. pokoknya kalo ada mikhal mah beres dehh"

thank u friend for ur trust.
my pleasure.
i'm honored.

Friday, March 26, 2010

success surprise

It was 2.30 am in the morning when i started to write this post. i cant decide whether it was because of the thick coffee i had in the afternoon, the biotech essay i just finished, or the excitement i had lately.

i just had another wonderful night, another happy moment to share..

it was peter's birthday celebration with the cellgroup, W9 & W15.
knowing him as my cell leader from the beginning, it was a pleasure to know this guy. hehe. dont get me wrong.. he is trully a leader, a brother, and a friend indeed.
after we had our ordinary cellgroup, suddenly W9 appear with cake, food, present, and video. glad that we can all sing together also. im glad that he was really surprised, and i hope it was really a happy moment for him.. thank u for all of ur contribution guys. yea, maybe i arrange some of it, maybe i contributed some idea, but really, it will be nothing without all of ur help.

szasza's art. awesome.

as usual, i really enjoy organizing things.
giving some idea.. *i had a dream to be an event organizer back then, and maybe i still do* i love managing things to be done nicely. i love the joy n proud after the event. i love the feeling of success. the time when u see people were satisfy. that ur hardwork is not meaningless. even the moment where u need to decide this and that. the confusion. thinking to overcome all of the limitation. n yeah i love the busyness. (now after all finished, only i can say this way... :P)

late at night, i received a msg.
"Great job today. Love the planning and idea generation. You did well pulling people together also. :) Proud of u. Thanks for blessing peter so much"
sweet. nothing better than be accepted and appriciated.

thank u szasza for the cake creation. very2 special cake. nowhere can find that kind of cake.
thank u emily for the card. great. very extraordinary.
thank u eldy for the video editting.. very touchy.
thank u yosia for searching for the present. u made it just on time ;)
thank u mira for taking care bout the food.
thank u all for being there..
thank u W9, W15.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

mau tapi malu

i had lots of fun these last 2 days. friends night at church and retro party at monash..
lots of performance, food, and prizes.. lumayan, i got goody bag with shopping voucher, shampoo, fitness voucher, notes, and pyramid privilege card inside.. woohoo!!

there are some games there. u know, which ask volunteer to come in front. and i always have this kind of feeling.. "what if i come in front.. i feel like going. but i'm not sure." too hasitate to go. at the end i have never be one of those brave people. actually, nothing wrong if u go and stand in front.. but maybe, this is bawaan jeleknya orang indo.. yang suka sok sok malu malu.. yang sukanya cuma nonton sama komentar..

padahaaal ohhh.. the prize will not make u regret at all!!! RM50 haagen dasz voucher from church, and saloon voucher from monash. mauu siiihhh tapi maluuuuuu...... gimana atuh yaa??

the lucky draw also superb. and again, i was not lucky enough to get it. no problemo, sudah biasa kalo ga dapet lucky draw mahh.. church bagi2 i pod touch.. Huaaahhh.. monash bagi2 voucher adidias RM700.. hikshikshiks..

dewi fortuna mampir lah padaku sekali2... :S

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


if u remember,one of my resolution this year is going exchange program to monash ausie..
a week ago, i had briefing from monash, and they explained that we can only go exchange if we got our 1 year result already, before applying.. and this middle of march, application has to be sent for next semester exchange.. cos i haven't finished my 1 year yet, means i cannot go for next sem.

but it's not really bad issue, cos after i consulted with the faculty, it's absolutely possible for me to go next year, my 4th semester in monash.. all the units match between biotech in malaysia and clayton. so, i should apply around oct.

im excited. hope all things gonna be smooth, my result, the application, time management and so on..

cant wait to explore the world more and more and more!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Start of something new

i closed february with a YES
something i had never done for quite long time
i hope it will be good for both you & me,
i wish the best for us.

"take my heart but please don't break it..."
February 28, 2010

Monday, March 1, 2010

ladies first..

pernah dengar ungkapan di atas?? menurut kamu di dunia jaman sekarang apa masih berlaku ladies first itu??? sejauh yang saya alami, realita masih mendukung frase itu, realita ga ngomong doang..

as a girl, it's a pleasure to have that privilege, ladies first privilege..

minggu lalu saya sempat pulang malam naik bis umum jakarta bogor.. karena waktu itu malam long weekend, jadilah bis yang biasa lengang jadi super penuh. alhasil saya pun berdiri agak desek-desekan.. singkat cerita, di tengah perjalanan, tiba2 ada bapak2 manggil saya, "dek2, duduk nihh.." padahal bapak itu juga ga duduk. dia malah nyuruh mas2 disebelahnya yang duduk, buat tukeran sama saya.. saya juga ga tau apa saat itu saya kelihatan kecapean, kepayahan, ato kayak mau jatoh terus, jadi si bapak tergerak buat ngasih saya duduk.. padahal sih saya biasa2 aja, masih muda, masih kuat juga suruh berdiri 1 jam.. hehe.. yaa akhirnya saya duduk juga dehh..

di kali lain, saat di malaysia, saya mau menuju satu mall dimana mereka menyediakan shuttle bus. tapi sebenernya shuttle nya ini cuma buat orang2 yang punya member card.. (yang jelas2 saya ga punya) tapi,.. kata orang malu bertanya sesat di jalan,, nunggu kelamaan juga kepanasan.. akhirnya saya turun tangan.. bertanyalah saya ke pak supir.. "pak, ini ke mall situ harus punya card yaa??" si bapak yang melihat saya, akhirnya mbolehin saya sama temen2 saya naik.. hihihi.

satu kali lagi, di tempat makan apartmen, waktu itu temen saya makanannya ga dateng2.. padahal yang lain uda hampir beres makan, akhirnya setelah ditanya, emang orangnya lupa.. akhirnya temen saya complain.. tapi si mas nya diem2 aja.. nah iseng2 saya bilang aja, 'free green teaa lahh..." tanpa berharap apa2.. ehh tapi ga lama, beneran dibawain green teanya sama si mas.. hehe..

2 cerita ini sempet bikin temen saya emosi aka sirik sih.. dia bilang "lw kedipin kali mik mas nyaa.." hehhee. yaahh mau mikir apa sih itu terserah anda.. tapi somehow emang those are some adventages being a girl. hehe..

saya juga ga minta kamu menganut paham ladies first.. katanya kan udah ada emansipasi wanita. jadi saya juga menghargai orang-orang yang tetep duduk santai di bis saat cewek2 di sekitarnya berdiri.. siapa cepat dia dapat juga tetep berlaku kok ;)