It was 2.30 am in the morning when i started to write this post. i cant decide whether it was because of the thick coffee i had in the afternoon, the biotech essay i just finished, or the excitement i had lately.
i just had another wonderful night, another happy moment to share..
it was peter's birthday celebration with the cellgroup, W9 & W15.
knowing him as my cell leader from the beginning, it was a pleasure to know this guy. hehe. dont get me wrong.. he is trully a leader, a brother, and a friend indeed.
after we had our ordinary cellgroup, suddenly W9 appear with cake, food, present, and video. glad that we can all sing together also. im glad that he was really surprised, and i hope it was really a happy moment for him.. thank u for all of ur contribution guys. yea, maybe i arrange some of it, maybe i contributed some idea, but really, it will be nothing without all of ur help.

szasza's art. awesome.
as usual, i really enjoy organizing things.
giving some idea.. *i had a dream to be an event organizer back then, and maybe i still do* i love managing things to be done nicely. i love the joy n proud after the event. i love the feeling of success. the time when u see people were satisfy. that ur hardwork is not meaningless. even the moment where u need to decide this and that. the confusion. thinking to overcome all of the limitation. n yeah i love the busyness. (now after all finished, only i can say this way... :P)
late at night, i received a msg.
"Great job today. Love the planning and idea generation. You did well pulling people together also. :) Proud of u. Thanks for blessing peter so much"
sweet. nothing better than be accepted and appriciated.
thank u szasza for the cake creation. very2 special cake. nowhere can find that kind of cake.
thank u emily for the card. great. very extraordinary.
thank u eldy for the video editting.. very touchy.
thank u yosia for searching for the present. u made it just on time ;)
thank u mira for taking care bout the food.
thank u all for being there..
thank u W9, W15.