Like what the title said. So here there story goes...
I stayed in my kost (rented room -red) today, sleepy and tired. And so I spent almost 3 hours for a long afternoon-sleep. It was a good deep sleep until the time I woke up, and realized that it was almost dinner time, and remember I did not have proper lunch today. My stomach asked for help and shouted "Hungry". Unfortunately, it was raining heavily outside and I just can't have no mood to go outside. Wondering what should I have for dinner, I can only think about delivery service. anything of it.
Interesting fact about my kost, place where I live in Jakarta, this house does not have an exact address and no house number (maybe this is a proof that postmen do not really exist these days). Considering this fact and delivery service idea, I have little expectation whether they would process my order or not. pasrah. So tried KFC with their 14022, no answer. *growling stomach* I browsed through the web and found McD delivery online. 'Wow! I didn't know that Jakarta has been so developed till the online delivery service,' I thought. Let's give it a try. So I started to fill up the order form, coming to the address field, 'hmmm..' I put the area name and the RT/RW without house number. After 10 mins, McD person gave me a call to confirm my order and details. She asked about my address, and I innocently answered, no house number, it's a kost, and beside this, near that, bla bla bla.. She patiently listened and jotted down my explanation. She asked, 'Is there any label of the kost?' I could not say anything but NO. I only asked her to try, with hesitation being rejected. 'OK. It will takes around 45 mins' I agreed and she closed the conversation.
Cut the story short, after 45 mins, another unknown number gave me a call.
Delivery man: "Dengan Mikhal Anindita? Mbak, ini rumahnya nomer 14 ya?"
Me: "Iya saya. Wah, mas udah sampai dimana?"
Delivery man: "Saya udah masuk setelah menara global"
Me: "Oh dari sana, masuk gang lagi Mas, ke kanan. Terus setelah tanah kosong, rumah di kanan"
Delivery man: "Oh yang setelah sayur-sayuran itu ya?"
Me: *thinking. what sayur-sayuran??* Hmm. Oh iya itu bener, nanti setelah warung ya Mas.
I just remembered that there are some veggie sellers in the morning. Not at night, and definitely not during a heavy rain like this.
And so the delivery man arrived in front of my door in 2 mins. I am amazed that he is familiar with this random area. Well, it is in the middle of Jakarta, but hey there are thousands of 'gang' (jalan kecil -red) in every corner of Jakarta. And he was very friendly, sincerely he asked if I have waited for so long.
And I am amazed that McD or maybe other delivery service still accept delivery order with unfamiliar address. Ahh. the food might not the best, but at least it rescued me from hunger and kept me away from the rain outside.